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Something's Happening
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Beyou. "Something's Happening: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp101338)". Mar 26, 2020.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD
  T+ 2:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
Since my junior year of high school I’ve been greatly interested in the use of psychoactive substances. As with most I started out smoking weed and drinking alcohol with friends, I then began to experiment with substances such as Amphetamines, copious amounts of diphenhydramine, synthetic cannabis products, MDMA, and DXM. It wasn’t until this summer that I began using LSD. The first three times I tripped I was always in good company and in a safe and controlled environment. However last Sunday, a close friend and I decided to do what most people would strongly discourage. We took a hallucinogenic substance and ventured out into public.

“SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!!” My close friend exclaimed as he flew down the stairs into his basement. I had been sitting on the couch staring at the open door that led into the washroom. I was trying to figure out whether or not the door was attempting to crawl off its hinges. We had each taken a supposed double dipped tab of LSD about thirty minutes before this. My friend (let’s call him B) sat down beside me as I agreed that something certainly was happening. This was his first time taking acid although he had done shrooms previously. I was beginning to develop that all too familiar feeling of uncertainty and anticipation. My body felt as if a colony of ants was inside me, all working together to keep me functional. By no means was this unpleasant, I sat there and enjoyed every second of it.

About forty five minutes after we had taken the acid we contacted a friend that would be willing to meet us in order to sell us weed. Me and my friend are both avid pot smokers and I feel as though just me and him could easily smoke an ounce in a matter of hours, so this was nothing new to us. Before we left I remember telling him that leaving the house on acid was a bad idea and that no doubt the visuals were to be kicking in full force very soon. The walls and objects all around me were all ready breathing and waving as if they were jello. We both came to the conclusion that it was a beautiful late summer day and walking around the busy streets of Northwest Philadelphia would be far more enjoyable then sitting in a damp, cold, visually unappealing basement. We went upstairs and walked out the door into the beautiful pre fall weather. We had decided that skateboarding there would be both interesting and less suspicious. It was only 2:45 in the afternoon. 45 minutes in and the trees and grass were already swirling and rippling. I jumped on to my skateboard and did a trick that I can barely do sober. I felt AMAZING. I landed cleanly on the board and continued riding up the hill toward the busy main street.

Me and B decided to go into the gas station Wawa to get a drink. As we approached the door I jokingly talked about how funny it would be if we peaked as we were at the counter. We walked through the door; the whole place took on a strange depressing government type feel. I almost felt as if I was at the DMV or maybe the post office. The ceiling stretched and grew to an outrageous height. I remember thinking about all the people in there. That they were all staring at me and they knew I was not one of them. I could almost feel how dilated my eyes were. I imagined by now my bright green eyes had succumbed to a pit of pure black. I faced the menacing glare of the overweight woman helping me at the counter. Her face took on a scary lizard type look. I felt like Hunter Thompson in the scene from Fear and Loathing where he talks to the hotel desk clerk and just mutters incoherent gibberish as her face morphs. After the purchase B and I walked out the door and completely lost it. The acid had began to peak and we were in a complete laughing fit.

By some miracle we made it up the busy street, bought the pot, and made it back to B’s basement. An hour and a half into the trip visuals were impossible to ignore. The walls were now swirling and hyperventilating. No doubt the basement door was trying to escape its hinges. The white wall in front of me took on faint colorful argyle patterning. We loaded up the bong and ripped it. My emotional state was perfect. I was aware I was making memories and was having one of the best days of my life.
I was aware I was making memories and was having one of the best days of my life.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds played on in the background of the bong rips, followed by Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeplin. The butterflies in my stomach gave way to pure euphoria. B passed me the bong and stated that he wouldn’t want to have this experience with anyone other than me. That one single statement made my day.

The cannabis had boosted the acid to a new level. The jittery speed like body high was now the most relaxed and mellow high I ever felt. We walked back out the door to meet with a few close friends to smoke more pot. Still on the peak at the top of this rollercoaster we set out into the neighborhood. The trees took on a whole new life of their own. I got the feeling they were almost sentient and approved very much so of what me and B were doing. We met up with our friends who were skeptical of how hard we were tripping. I felt as though my one friend N was in particular being a complete dick, his words had a malicious and domineering tone. He seemed to be speaking in a matter of fact type tone and acted like a know it all. MY other friend M and my other friend D also joined us as we traveled to the back of a graveyard. The graveyard was a place all the neighborhood kids came to drink beer and smoke blunts. In the back corner stood a spooky old shed and a decrepit tree. We sat on one of those graves that are long slaps of marble. Far from the public we sparked our blunts and had typical conversation. B and I were in our own little world. It was almost as if our minds weren’t changed but the world around us was.

It was nearing seven o clock, five hours in and the visuals were still pressing on. The sky was now filled with elegant colorful patterns typically found on lace garments. The thin and wispy cirrus clouds filled the sky which as the sun set began changing colors from bright blue to bright orange and purple. The world all around me was so beautiful. I had traveled to tropical regions on vacation, and many other scenic locations but nothing compared to the beauty of this Northwest Philadelphia graveyard, on this amazing late summer night. I felt a firm connectedness with the nature and what was happening all around me.
I felt a firm connectedness with the nature and what was happening all around me.
Not a single bad vibe. I could tell B was enjoying himself; staring at the sky in a daze. Laughing and smiling. You would have thought he was watching fireworks. As the sun set so did the trip. We arrived back at B’s house at around eight. We all sat around and smoked the bong and played playstation. My friends who had school tomorrow departed a bit later. I left B’s house. As I walked up the steps of the basement Iooked back at B and we both agreed that it had been a great time. I head nod later and I was back on my skateboard in brittle late summer air, only guided by street lights I nodded goodbye to the trees that lined B’s street and they waved back. Something certainly had happened.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101338
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 26, 2020Views: 742
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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