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Cannabis, Frankincense & Meditation
Citation:   the all that is. "Mettacannabliss: An Experience with Cannabis, Frankincense & Meditation (exp101366)". May 20, 2020.

1/2 bowl vaporized Cannabis
I would like to submit this description of my personal cannabis/meditation practice with vaporised cannabis, Omani Frankincense resin and Metta meditation. My hope is that it will help others develop and expand their own practices and spiritual connection to cannabis.

Aspects of the meditation

Vaporiser, photographs of me and those I love, cannabis, Omani Frankincense resin, a burner and charcoal blocks, peace and quite and a clear intention for the meditation.

I only use cannabis once to twice a week usually in this meditation
I only use cannabis once to twice a week usually in this meditation
but I also sometimes use it for social nights out such as comedy shows or music gigs, although this is rare. I do not smoke anything else and rarely use alcohol, I'm relatively fit and in my early 40's.

When I do use cannabis I either fill one bowl or a half a bowl in the Solo with some unground bud. Because I use so little my tolerance is pretty much set to zero and so I get to feel the full effects of the synergy. I've also used different kinds of Frankincense and find Omani to be the most satisfying and very complimentary to cannabis and meditation.

Metta as I understand it means loving kindness in Sanskrit. The entire practice is about cultivating loving kindness for your self and others. Its a good meditation to do completely straight but I find it works incredibly well with cannabis and I've come to think of this practice as Mettacannabliss.

The process.

I first choose the photographs that I will use. I like to use a picture of me from my early childhood standing next to a coffee table that I now have in my living room. I then choose a picture of my daughter and my parents. I also find that using 7 flat semi prescious stones along the chakra points while holding my favourite piece of Labradorite is also more satisfying than not. I choose the stones first by just spending some time looking at them and thinking about where they seem right to place along my body that day. I do the meditation laying down on my bed sometimes clothed sometimes not. Doing this outside in the garden is also very satisfying especially on a lovely summers day.

Once I've chosen the stones I lay them out next to me and start the Solo heating up. All the time I'm gently saying my mantra to myself and setting the intention of opening the heart and being able to connect with the energy and then to be able to share it. I'm also burning Frankincense resin on a table next to me. I inhale the bowl of cannabis in one continuous 5 minute session. Once done I take a drink of water put one more piece of frankincense on the burner and lay back on the bed and place the stones.

I then take some time to notice where I am, the sensations in and around my body, the sounds smells and feelings that are around. I bring my mantra to mind again and while scanning my body for feelings I settle into the experience. This seems to help activate the synergy and I can feel my body lighting up and gentle waves of energy begin to drift through me from head to foot. I try and imagine this energy coming into me and going out of me at the same time. After a few minutes of helping to build the energy I bring the picture of me as a small child to my eyes and just look at it for a minute. I then try and notice my heart like a flower opening out as I begin to say:

I intend for myself (Its interesting to say your name here)

Energy, harmony peace and love. ( this is my mantra it would be good to find something that has personal meaning for you)

I repeat this 5 times while looking at the picture, try an inner smile where you lift the corners of your mouth to a semi smile, I visualise light around me in the picture and then imagine them around my body in the moment.

At this point the waves of energy are usually stronger and the feeling of connection is very profound. I then bring the next picture to mind and repeat the above process.

Once all the pictures and people I love have been incorporated I move on to others in my life. I use my imagination to bring to mind a good friend, then someone I might know but I'm not close to, someone else I find annoying and then someone I dislike. I repeat the process for each one individually.

At the end of this I feel like I'm plugged into some great energy field where my entire being is vibrating with energy and love. I sometimes get the sense that there are other energy fields rushing along next to mine and that it might be possible to try and join with them but I have not tried this yet. It is a state of bliss hence the name mettacannabliss.

One of the big lessons from cannabis for me is how it opens up my thinking. Many people say it gives them paranoia. I certainly can become paranoid when using cannabis but I do not think that it is cannabis that is giving me paranoia. I have come to learn that it is my own thinking habits that I've developed over the years that creates paranoia.

Cannabis can amplify my thinking so if I chose to connect with the darkness then I can get pretty creative with it and the same applies to the light. However our collective cultures are still dominated by rigid hierarchy, the state, competition, consumerism, greed, psychopathy, state education, selfishness, jealousy, separation, lies and fear. With these conditions wrapped around us its really not surprising that paranoia can be quite common when we try and free our minds.

I had to work hard to get over my own paranoia.
I had to work hard to get over my own paranoia.
For me this involved going into it with cannabis, really expanding on it creatively. This is where holding a stone in my hand is helpful, because when the terror begins to build I use it as an anchor to remind myself that these vivid landscapes of paranoia are simply my creative mind focusing in on one aspect of that all that is. Once I've connected with this realisation I breathe gently and often laugh as I realise just how far this creative power can take us into the darkness. Interestingly I do not experience paranoia as I used to now and I'm getting much better at developing longer light side thinking or maybe pronoia during the meditations. I find its hard to hold it for more than 30 minutes because the energy forces me to get up, to write, to dance, to move, to be alive in the all that is.

It seems to me that we are finding more ways to find flow with this great energy this consciousness that we are slowly unfolding as the universe grows everything moves with it. Using Frankincense during and after this meditation experience is something I find enhances it all a great deal. I think the sense of smell is incredible and I've been using Frankincense during all of my meditations for a few years now and its part and parcel for me. I also find that burning frankincense in my bedroom can also help lucid dreaming but that's another story.

I also believe that were I not oppressed by the existence of the state and the culture traps that have grown around it than I would be able to nurture and grow my own plant allies ensuring the experience would be as wholesome and as balanced as possible. As it is I do not know from where my cannabis comes from or what has gone into it - this is a disgrace beyond measure but here again there are changes happening in the most unlikely places.

Final thoughts

We are all so good and imagining fears and catastrophe and yet we do not really try to use these powers to create Utopia's to dream of real freedom. Is it possible that we can believe in and eventually create Utopias? I believe we can and I'm making a start on my spark of energy in the all that is.

I offer this, my experience in energy, harmony, peace and love for the development of that brightest of lights our own imaginations.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101366
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 41
Published: May 20, 2020Views: 949
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Meditation (128), Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Combinations (3)

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