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Citation:   KABUKI GIRL. "Fantasdick: An Experience with Naloxone (exp101369)". Jul 21, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3 mg sublingual Naloxone  
  T+ 0:45 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I got an 8mg Suboxone strip from a friend. I read a few reports of people that had done Suboxone, the very few that I could find that were for recreational use and not to treat withdrawal, and they were all about how sick everyone got. This discouraged me from eating the whole 8mg strip (to be honest it scared the shit out of me and almost made me not want to do it at all), and I decided to cut the strip into four 2mg 'slices'. I put the first one under my tongue, plus a half of one other half (that was 3mg in total). I immediately felt a high. As time kept going I only felt better and better. I was so relaxed. I experienced no nausea at all. I smoked a bowl of weed about 45 minutes into me taking the Suboxone. I felt very relaxed all night and it made sex incredible. I definitely plan on doing this again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101369
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 21, 2018Views: 3,311
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