I Wished I Was a Goldfish
Citation:   JDIGGS. "I Wished I Was a Goldfish: An Experience with Ketamine (exp101377)". Erowid.org. Mar 17, 2018. erowid.org/exp/101377

1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I had a bit of ketamine on me for a while, I had picked it up at a festival and decided to take it back with me. It was only last night that I decided to use it all up, I am going away soon, and don't particularly want drugs floating around in my room. Anyway, I snorted a long line of this stuff, and after about ten minutes the feeling hit, I had another line, and then decided to lie down on my bed. I have never been too into the club drug amounts, although it can be fun on occasion- but I very rarely do it in that way as it seems having once reached the more psychedelic point that it seems a waste of k.

I was lying on my bed and I can remember that I wanted another line, at this point I could barely feel my arms but somehow managed to walk and I remember myself looking into the mirror and attempting to get rid of the ket still around my nose, and bending up and down over the sink. It seems like a complete blur, but I can remember leaning out of my window at one point to have a cigarette listening to music with no words, but I could hear words, and I was saying to myself in my head that I 'have led a fulfilling life'. At another point I lay down on my floor and thought I had become part of my carpet (cliche I know), the music I was listening to flowed with my mood, and it is so difficult to describe the feelings that I felt. I did not hallucinate much, but I saw some mushroom like moving walls and things, however, I don't really hallucinate easily, so that could just be me. I drew some pictures, which were interesting, with words written around them such as the fact that at one point I apparently discover the meaning of life (sadly I can't actually remember what it was), and also that I wished I was a goldfish.
at one point I apparently discover the meaning of life (sadly I can't actually remember what it was), and also that I wished I was a goldfish.

It felt as if I were in a waking dream, and at points I couldn't move, but simply stared at the ceiling as a thousand thoughts wizzed around in my mind. Due to the fact that I took the ketamine at intervals, I would begin coming down to a movable level, and then have a bit more and then I would be flying again, giving me a chance to walk around and draw etc. The thing that scared me about it though was my frenzied attempts to get more ketamine once I had run out, and I was left licking doggy bag it came in, and snorting tiny crystals. Ketamine to me is a very interesting introspective drug, but it has also led me to dark places, where I was questioning my whole existence, whether events had happened, and thinking about suicide. Additionally, the panic when I ran out was also not an enjoyable experience.

It is definitely addictive, but it is also a healing drug to me, and allows me to explore areas of my mind that I haven't before. Taken in small amounts it can loosen me up, sort of like alcohol, but if I am in an unfriendly environment it could also allow me be taken advantage of. The major downside as well is the duration, it only lasts about an hour and a half after having a bit, so I have to continue taking it to continue being high. I will definitely do it again, but I also know to be respectful of this drug.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101377
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 17, 2018Views: 736
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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