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Perfect Weekend
Citation:   phoenixZRO. "Perfect Weekend: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp101385)". Erowid.org. Jul 7, 2019. erowid.org/exp/101385

  oral Vitamins / Supplements
  20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
I don’t normally do trip reports but the scope of my most recent experience was pretty interesting so I decided to attempt to put it in words that made sense. This experience wasn't a breakthrough of any kind but more of a string of insightful thoughts and beautiful colors to assist in the mood setting. I go into a little detail concerning my background and emotions throughout the report but only because I feel it necessary in order to understand fully the depth of the experience.

Interestingly enough the day began on a negative note when my female best friend and I (seriously it’s a weird relationship) woke up. I won’t get into details but lets just say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It didn't seem like the ideal situation to have a psychedelic experience but once I finished my college algebra homework I felt much more relaxed and clearer. I was able to focus and plan the rest of my weekend. I called back my friend who lives right up the road and asked if she’d like to try a little higher dose of 4acoDMT than we had last time. A few weeks ago we had a session on the substance 15mg each but no profound impact. She reported to me that she had very colorful visuals similar to psychedelic mushrooms but not as intense by any means. I had no visuals whatsoever but did notice a different pattern of thinking than normal.

So on this Saturday we decided to up the dose to 20mg each. I am very cautious when dealing with mind altering substances or any substance for that matter. I may attempt different combos for psyche experimental research but that will be once Im more acclimated to the lesser psychonaut experiences. (Don’t want to morph, blend, and bleed into objects and sounds accidentally like I did one time on LSD + MDMA)

We began the adventure by taking a pack each of Animal Pak multi-vitamins in the hopes of the excess vitamins amplifying the experience. We’ve had great results with Vitamin C and magic mushrooms and MDMA separately before. After about an hour or so I decide it’s time to dose. Immediately after consuming the capsules we head downstairs to the living room to play the new GTA V I purchased a few days earlier. The game, as most in this genre, is extremely violent and I decide that even though the dosage shouldn't be anywhere near breakthrough it would probably be in our best interest to spend our time outside and away from the human element as much as possible. Currently I do not have cable or internet as I recently began feeling as if the media and television in general was corrupting my mind so I decided on a summer without it.

Thirty minutes or so have passed and I feel a slight feeling of nervousness or anxiousness as the onset begins. We were listening to Flying Lotus’ new album when I picked up my iPod and noticed the beginnings of the visuals. Ever so slight but very entertaining as the music played. On the cover is some kind of genie or gypsy I call it wrapped in satin that seems to be floating. The colors are warm orange and red I believe and it seemed the presence inside the satin was dancing in a very exotic and foreign way. I had been informed that 4acoDMT was much more forgiving than regular mushrooms so Im almost certain the anxiety was all my own doing. After informing my roommate of our plans my other tripping friend and I headed out to the park that was located about a half mile or so up our road. I should mention at this time that we are fortunate to live in the beautiful paradise of Hawaii. We try to adventure the island as much as we can but school had been holding our attention and rightfully so. This is a topic that frequently gets brought up between us and during the walk up the hill I feel a kind of mind loop that I will explain later. Before we go too far we stop and realize that we have no water or snacks of any kind since we havent ate up to that point. We head back down and retrieve some water and Gatorade.

At this time we are in conversation and sort of just lingering not thinking about the substance or the possible trip. Our second attempt up the road began and I again feel this nervousness. I feel awkward talking to my friend and this is where the loop thoughts begin. I think I made myself anxious because I have had a few weird and interesting experiences with mushrooms, LSD, and salvia. Sometimes combining all in different combos. The feeling I got was that when individuals don’t have a subject to talk about the brain or whatever part of it processes communication goes back to memory to engage or produce the words. In other words we passed by my friends old house and it seemed like we talk about the same events or experiences they had there every time we walk past it. I don’t think it was a feeling of deja vu although it is possible. So I notice this “loop” and immediately break from it starting another topic abruptly. Later when we discuss the trip my friend admitted to noticing the awkward actions by me leading up to the park. We walk passed various houses and mini playgrounds and I began getting a feeling of peace and awareness. Colors seemed warmer and the “out of place” colors more pronounced. Hawaii has many species of plants and insects native only to here and even a walk to the park can seem like a tropical adventure or getaway. I love the visuals I get on psylicibin when taking hikes or relaxing by the water. I imagine the feelings and weird textures and color schemes must be similar to what shamans get in the jungles of the amazon or south America. We get closer to the park and cross the street at crosswalk. I stop once across and look back at the white lines painted across indicating where to cross. I tell my friend to look away from the lines and look again. She started laughing Im assuming because she knew I was tripping. I explain that when I was crossing the lines the cracks inside the street lines formed late. If I looked at the lines the cracks formed, I would look away and look back at the lines, the cracks would slowly materialize. It was an amazing visual to me so I did it a few times until I decided I looked twacked enough to any onlookers that happened to be observing. We reach the tennis courts and begin the walk across to the park. Transitioning from the natural environment of the trees and grass near the sidewalk to the strictly concrete and human environment of the courts was very apparent. It wasn't negative in any way just more pronounced. The graffiti splashed all over gave us a few minutes of insight and appreciation of art until we began to move on again. We had a conversation about the individuals being artistic but the medium was of course what most saw as the nuisance. We laughed at how most likely we knew the individuals responsible.

Up ahead was the park and it had to be one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever witnessed. We decided to light a joint we had brought for the occasion at this point. I have been to this park many times before but this moment everything just seemed perfect. The wind blew, we could see Pearl Harbor from a distance, and all the lush tropical trees and plants created a very serene rain forest feel. We sat on a bench and just sat and remained silent. Im sure we were both thinking the same things. Just how simply amazing and peaceful this was. The peak reminded me of the visuals and feeling I get when I mix DMT and cannabis in a joint. Many people say this is a waste and I agree but when friends are curious to the experience but not ready to take the full plunge I offer this solution. I began playing Shpongle very lightly on my iPhone and the clouds just floated to the tunes. No apparent objects visual but it did seem as if they were “dancing” to the music. All around critters played and faint voices from a distance could be heard. I started thinking I was hearing angels but it was only landscapers in the distance. Thats how peaceful it was. Every thought, emotion, everything just emanated peace and bliss.

I began thinking how people in large cities like New York and LA could live the way they do. I guess playing GTA earlier gave me a realization of location. I have lived in Hawaii for 7 years. 6 in military intelligence and one of those deployed to Afghanistan. I have also traveled to Arizona, Japan, and the Philippines. I have been fortunate enough to “exit the cultural and religious matrix” as Terrence McKenna says in some of his speakings. Having this awareness makes me appreciate my current location and situation. I feel the substance allowed me to combine my bodies experiences and silence my chattering mind to allow for these insightful moments. I felt that every individual should at least meditate at a park or beach and if we could as a society quiet our chattering mind the world would be a much better place. I began thinking of my interpretation of New York which is mainly through movies and shows like Hey Arnold on television. I couldn't imagine myself surrounded by smog, concrete, negative people and so on. I envisioned myself on a roof of an apartment complex attempting to meditate. At this point I got this weird feeling or realization that I didn’t deserve this peace. I sometimes struggle with decisions or situations from my years in the military as well as growing up. I began recalling how manipulative I was as a child and how the government saw this in my young adulthood and trained and utilized my mind and others as a weapon.

I began thinking deeply about how humans have evolved and we may be drifting further from our zero point energy and how we must meditate in order to properly use our minds. Everything from categorizing and labeling to manipulation. I start pondering about the Genesis enigma and how it may explain evolution through the words of God and how human consciousness may be a sin. I think I have these deep insights more than others because of my experience with interrogation and intelligence collection. I know I have been programmed a certain way the past few years through military training and desensitization and I search for a way to either accept and utilize it for good or to attempt to eliminate it. One positive effect was my ability to alter moods and emotions based on environment and changes of setting. Manipulation of environment basically translates pretty well for thearuputic psychedelic settings research. Anyways I feel we have a soul that searches for the answers we already know but when born we forget it all. So those of us fortunate and aware enough meditate or use psychedelics to reach this state. 
 At this point a father and his two sons I assume reach the park and begin archery practice. We observe the activities of the family and agree to how beautiful the scene is. My friend unfortunately has a very dysfunctional family and and more than one occasion she has brought it to my attention how she wishes she had the perfect dream family. We witnessed the fun and entertainment it brought to them but also the discipline and focus it took to hit the bullseye. It made me appreciate being human so much more. Up to this point I have had very negative experiences with fellow humans, mostly being in the military I assume, but Hawaii is also known for the horrible traffic which seems to change moods very easily. I released all my negative emotions and accepted my place in the universe and human gene pool. I pondered on the collective human consciousness and how it affects us, free will or lack thereof, and other philosophical questions. My thoughts were very deep and insightful yet very manageable with a splash of beautiful, warm colors. It was simpy amazing I can not emphasize this enough.

A woman and her two dogs appear at this time and we enjoy the company and shenanigans of the three. The dogs seemed so happy and the woman unaware of our mind state so everything went well. Throughout this experience it sprinkled rain on and off as I figured it was due to cloud cover earlier and the rain felt wonderful against our skins. After about another hour or so of deep thinking we decided to head back down. The visuals remain as warm colors all around no real movement of any kind. We stop every now and then to observe some insects and passion flowers that look just plain weird and alien with the textures and colors the substance presented. We began discussing our thoughts on how the reality we see currently could possibly be the true reality but because the universe and this astral plane is so beautiful to humans our filters in our brain must force us to focus on survival and reproduction so it must attempt to tone it down a little. The rest of the way down we observe Pearl Harbor against the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean. We also discuss how the human concrete feel of the harbor clashes with the natural beauty of the ocean and nature. 

We arrive back to my apartment and settle in my room to listen to more ambient music. I put on another one of my favorite psychedelic albums, The Orb’s The Dream, and we pretty much just fall asleep from there. I know I had dreams but I cannot recall them. No feelings of fear just a sense of peace and calm. Upon discussion of the experience the following day my friend and I agreed that the overall feeling was that much similar to a low dose of LSD. Of course they both have their distinct feelings but the colors, slight wavy visuals, feelings of peace, and increasing thoughts of insight were all very reminiscent of experiences we've enjoyed on acid before. We agreed we experienced a somewhat lengthy “afterglow” also similar to lower doses of LSD. I am almost certain I experienced a cognitive shift of sorts. Up until this point I had been yearning to return to military service for lack of adrenaline or “the rush” but now I feel that music and art is my true calling. I have seen the ugliness of war, violence, manipulation and exploitation of others and the environment that humans create, I have also seen the beauty of relationships between humans and animals. I have since also learned to not let negative things such as traffic to jealousy affect me. I used to have a feeling that I was “lost” or floating with no purpose. I now have a much more optimistic view of life and see the end of my service as a new beginning to utilize my creative mind and unleash it from the confines of it’s logical prison. I have read that research shows psylicin slows brain activity contrary to the assumption that it excites it. This is on par with my realization that the birth of the conscious mind created evil and we must lower the activity in order to be at true peace, nirvana, etc. Most of our reality is created within and our perceptions may be deceiving us this whole time. Im sure we’ll try this chemical again with a slightly higher dose until we can determine our threshold limit to begin experimentation with various combos.

I am currently studying Liberal Arts and music production and have a history of combat deployment and extensive military intelligence training. I would recommend this experience for anyone needing therapy for issues like PTSD, dysfunctional family, or other types of similar emotional issues. Like any substance it will not eliminate the issues but it may provide the momentary escape and insight that may lead to cognitive or perspective shifts that may ultimately lead to a feeling of acceptance or deeper understanding of the issue or even self. I will always take it responsibly and with someone experienced and knows how to guide the set and settings.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 7, 2019Views: 732
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