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A Few of my Favorite Things
by Lou
Citation:   Lou. "A Few of my Favorite Things: An Experience with LSD (exp10143)". Jul 14, 2005.

2 hits oral LSD
Okay, this happened a while ago so the info might not be exactly correct but here is what happened to the best of my memory. I had taken acid about 5 times before this and I feel that I was not a novice but I was certainly not prepared for what was to unfold.

I was around 17 and my friend 'Wally' and I had planned an adventure unlike any other we had experienced before. Our friend 'Jim' had gotten the acid for us and would be joining us on the trip. I work at K-Mart and got off work at 4:30, Jim came to K-Mart as soon as I got off and from there we proceeded to Wally's house.

Around 4:45 we were all together in Jim's car driving along. He gives us each 2 sweet tarts with acid dropped on them and he took 3 himself. I can safely say that by 5:30 we were all tripping VERY HARD. Jim was sick of driving so we went back to K-Mart's parking lot (where my car was) and I started driving around.


So I'm driving around and we decide to stop and get hats for our adventure. Where do we go? A gas station of course. We were so out of it that for at least 5 minutes we looked in the cooler where the sodas were thinking that hats were there. We then looked at each other and said 'there's no hats in a cooler' and laughed like crazy. I'm sure everyone thought we were nuts, and we were.

We then drove around the country listening to Ween, The Mollusk. Very trippy. We see this scary tree and pull over at the side of the road to investigate. Jim and Wally cross the street (I never did, I was afraid of getting run over) and go completely crazy. Wally was walking around like an ape and Jim was nowhere to be seen. It was fairly dark outside and I couldn't see very well. I called for Wally and Jim to come back to the car cause I was starting to lose it. Wally came back laughing like a loon. Jim didn't respond at all.

I think Wally began to get scared too and he started to call out for Jim too. I began to think that we would have to leave him in the tree forever… -Suddenly a cry of pain came out. Jim had jumped out of the tree thinking it was only a few feet but it was really a lot more than that. Thank God I thought, we can leave now.

We all got in the car and drove back into town. This is where I think I've heard the most utterly insane thing ever spoken. Jim was in the back seat and said 'Hey guys, I have something really important to say.' Wally and I turn around to hear what he will say. Jim says 'Scooby Doo makes me cry' with a totally straight face. Wally and I crack up for the longest time. Jim didn't even know he said it. He told us what he meant to say but it was never remembered.

We're back into town now, and I decide I would like to visit my friends party for a few minutes. Jim and Wally aren't really up to it but fuck them, I'm driving. It was a couple of days before Halloween so of course this was a Halloween Party. I park and the others decide they want to walk around while I'm at the party. That was cool with me so we parted ways for a second.

I don't know what happened to them, but I sure as hell had one crazy ass time. As I climb up the stairs to Eric's apartment I had a good scare. The UGLIEST girl I thought I've ever seen said my name. Thank God it turned out to be Eric in a costume…

When I got inside all I wanted to do was escape all of the scary people in their costumes. There is thankfully a smoking room in the apartment with a ton of black lights and I ran up there. I was the only one in the room and I saw all the walls spin around me. It was so cool. I was lost in thought when I suddenly remember the other two and began to worry about them. I left quickly to find them.

The parking lot showed no sign of them and quite honestly I was scared shitless. As I walked in a circle not knowing what to do I kept hearing voices from all directions whispering gibberish in my ear. I was so scared the only thing I could think about was leaving them to wonder the town with a head full of acid as I drove to the safety of my home. But I couldn't, I knew that would be a very bad idea. All of a sudden I see them walking up to the parking lot laughing and having a good time - boy was I relieved.

They told me something about them rolling down a hill but I couldn't understand, I wish just so happy to see them. I'm not exactly sure what time it was then so I'll have to guess around 8:00. We were all ready for a short break so we drove to a grocery store to get something to eat. (It made sense at the time okay.) Jim was the only one with any money at all so we walked around telling Jim what was good to buy. It was so bright and weird inside, we finally decided to get caramel apples to eat and we got in line to purchase them.

All things fell apart in the line. We tried to keep a straight face, but I honestly believe that was impossible for us in the state that we were in. As soon as it was our turn to pay we started laughing very loudly. The lady at the cash register gave us a look like she was going to kill us. (She was very pissed off.) We somehow got out of the store and into my car. We ate the apples in my car in the parking lot. We sat there for at least 10 minutes, it must have looked very strange.

At this time I began to get a very large surge of fear and I wanted to go home, so I told everyone that I had to go home. They were both pissed off, they just couldn't understand what I was feeling. I dropped Jim off at one of his friends house. It was just Wally and myself now. Not quite knowing what to do I drove back to the grocery store parking lot. I was scared to go home because I was a total mess and I thought my mom would have a huge fit.

As we were sitting in the parking lot I tried to explain to Wally what I was feeling but he was pretty much out of it. I told him that all the beer bottles in my car and the fact that I was dirty as hell with pupils the size of quarters was making me worry. He told me to relax and that we could go to his house for a little while. This sounded like a very good idea so that's where we went.

When we got there we went down to his basement quickly to avoid his parents. Of course as soon as we got down there what do we see but his mom. Thankfully so was drunk so she didn't bother us. We played ping pong for a couple of minutes and I gathered up enough nerve to go home and face my mom whom I thought would yell at me like no tomorrow.

When I got home I was much relieved to find that my mom only was a little bit mad that I missed Saturday evening church. The weird part was that she gave me a chocolate chip cookie that she baked that day. Holy Crap, I felt so good to know that I got away with going insane for the 5 hours. I was home and everything was going to be okay.

I later found out that Jim took an 1/8 ounce of shrooms later that night. Damn, he must have fried hard. I've had many more trips since then but that one was special because it was the first real adventure where I went around totally crazy. All in all, I had a very positive experience. Sorry about how long this is, but I feel I needed to use some detail. Peace Out!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10143
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2005Views: 5,112
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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