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So Fucking Intense...
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   splichsdjk. "So Fucking Intense...: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp101657)". May 26, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked DMT
I'm at my friends house, after he had just sucessfully extracted over 7.5grams of DMT from mimosa extraction. We were stoked, to say the least, since I had never tried it, and he had only had it twice, which urged him to extract it himself. We are sitting there at his dining room table, scraping large crystals of DMT from pyrex pans, feeling like BALLERS. We smoke a couple bowls out of his nice glass-on-glass bong, so I was pretty stoned, those bongs have a way of getting me WAY MORE BAKED for some reason.

He stops scraping the crystals, and looks directly at me, and says with a straight face 'Dude, we have 8 grams of DMT, Do you want to fucking blast off?'. Little did he know, I hadn't stopped waiting for him to ask me that since I got there. I immediately shouted 'YES'.

He pulled out some of the more 'shakey' crystals that are more like flakes, and weighed out a quick .25 of it. Since we hadn't tried any of it yet, we decided just a point was a safe amount for the first time, in order to judge the potency. I packed a small bowl of my dank bud, and he layed some flakes on top, he told me to put a couple layers of bud overlapping the DMT, not sure why, but I did it. He told me he has some ritual that he ALWAYS has to be outside when he smokes it, he said he feels more comfortable that way, I understand completely, and we walked out into his backyard.

He had a small gazebo built for parties and what not, so we sit under there and smoke one more bowl of just good ole ganja, to mellow out. Soon after, he passes it to me, offering me the 'green hit' or in this case, 'yellowish/white hit'. I refuse, since he made it I insisted he tried it first. Not because I was nervous, just because I like to be the first one who tries the hash I make when I do, so I let him go first. He hits the bowl REAL hard, harder than I was expecting, using some hempwick we had bought earlier. He cornered it and passed it to me. I hit it the same way, and held it in for a good 25 seconds. I noticed when I blew it out that it didnt taste like weed very much, more like really hot plastic or rubber.

But, as I was thinking that thought, it began to take hold of me, I immideately looked up at the inside of the gazebo and all of the imperfections and knots in the wood appeared to me as faces, with changing emotion. I could FEEL the faces emotions, all at once, It was like I was looking down at the world trying to understand how everyone felt. At this point I didnt realize that I was still at my friends, I thought I was at home, or just someplace REALLY comfortable. I got lost in my own thought, reflecting on all of recent decisions. Sometime after that I realized where I was and what I was doing, and reflected on what had happened the rest of the day. The next day I felt GREAT, but mentally exhausted. I can't wait to try it again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101657
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 26, 2021Views: 552
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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