Saved My Life
Citation:   West-coast . "Saved My Life: An Experience with Kratom (exp101745)". Apr 12, 2018.

3 Tbsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Kratom saved me, I found opiates when I first had an injury. T3 then Percocet and eventually morphine. Finally weened self off but hard to forget the warm embrace of that sexy mistress.

Life took a major turn, divorce, death of twin brother then a long term employment loss. Got back on the sexy warm perc ride. Years passed trying to get past the withdrawal was insurmountable. At this point it was to enjoy life. I used these as antidepressants.

Well in comes kratom. The different strains have different feelings. Peppy or narcotic relaxing. Way cheaper than the pharma stuff... My body functioned like a dream no constipation or angry withdrawal even after days n weeks. I thought I would never be free the same up euphoric feeling and joy of life from a small glass of legal nutrient rich kratom. Malaysian Green felt just as a perc to me. White Sumatra just like a calm morphine. Freedom and fun at last.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Apr 12, 2018Views: 781
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Kratom (203) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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