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Does Not Diminish, but Slightly Enhances
Bupropion with LSD, MDMA, or 2C-B
Citation:   VenusFlyFreak. "Does Not Diminish, but Slightly Enhances: An Experience with Bupropion with LSD, MDMA, or 2C-B (exp101829)". Apr 30, 2020.

300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
    oral Various  
Combinations with Wellbutrin Overview

I wanted to share general observations about my experiences combining psychedelics with Wellbutrin. The upshot is that for me, Wellbutrin does not diminish, but slightly enhances, my subjective experience of these drugs.

I've taken Wellbutrin for about 7 years, mostly at 300 mg/day generic bupropion HCL XL (with a couple of short breaks and dosage adjustments over the years). I've chosen to review LSD, MDMA and other M-drugs, and 2C-B because:

1. I've taken each of these a number of times both before and after starting treatment with Wellbutrin. LSD about 70 times before and about 25 times after.
MDMA/MDA 3 times before and about about 20 times after (though I believe my pre-Wellbutrin experiences were pure, since then these have been occasionally mixed, contaminated by other substances, or accepted from strangers so I can't vouch for their purity as completely as the other two drugs).
2C-B 2 times before and about 7 times after.

2. During these times, I had access to very high quality, pure drugs that I have every reason to believe were what they purported to be.

3. I've taken them in all permutations (possible combinations with each other) and in varying doses since taking Wellbutrin. Friends not taking antidepressants have often taken the exact same drugs with me, often together.

I've suffered from a cyclical depression that seems to be inherent to my brain chemistry all my life. Wellbutrin works very well for me. I started taking it during a deep depression that lifted quickly in response and went into a long, stable remission. I experience no noticeable side effects once stable on Wellbutrin (i.e. after a couple of weeks). I've had periodic relapses, especially when trying to go off of Wellbutrin (which is tempting because it makes me feel so much like myself that it's hard to believe a pill could be doing it ;) ).

I personally notice no dampening of my sensitivity to any category of effects. If anything, I'm slightly more sensitive now. I feel more in tune with my body and emotions so I can more consciously access my experiences. I feel in tune with my companions generally, not in a different kind of head-space. After-effects are somewhat diminished: I don't experience depression or hangover after taking ecstasy, but I also don't coast along on the joy of having taken acid for as long after the experience. I quickly return to my Wellbutrin base-line.

Basically, this isn't very surprising information, and may not generalize to other people or other antidepressants. However, my belief is that because Wellbutrin works so well for me therapeutically, it doesn't interact much with other alterations to my brain chemistry.

N.B. This is beyond the scope of this note, but I have had a very unpleasant reaction to DXM, so I believe some of my drug experiences are affected by Wellbutrin.

Exp Year: 2000-2012ExpID: 101829
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 2,315
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Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Not Applicable (38), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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