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Well Worth the Long Wait
Citation:   SuperPsych. "Well Worth the Long Wait: An Experience with DMT (exp101833)". Jun 8, 2020.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
  3 hits smoked DMT
I write this ten minutes after coming down from the peak of my first DMT trip. I am still feeling the effects from it. I have some good color enhancement, everything has taken on a new life, and I have a profound sense of outer beauty and inner peace.

The setting was in my room at 2:34pm. The light in my room is off, but the sunlight coming through my shades produces a nice, dim atmosphere. I loaded my pipe with a pinch of cannabis, threw about 29mg of DMT on top of it and then threw another small bit of Mary on top of Dimitri. My music of choice for the evening was Led Zeppelin’s album ‘Houses of The Holy’. I laid down in bed as ‘The Song remains the Same’ started. I closed my eyes, started taking deep breaths, and tried to clear my mind. There was no stopping the anxiety, by the end of the song I was noticeably shaking. However, I knew that I was ready. I had waited 4 years for this moment and I have had roughly 50 psychedelic trips prior to this, not including the 15 or so times that I have done Salvia.

‘The Rain Song’ came one, it was the moment that I have waited so long for. I put the pipe to my lips and started to hit it. The first hit was mostly weed, but by the time that I exhaled I felt a tryptamine character sweep over me. I exhaled my second hit and I started to feel the rushing sensation, which was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. My vision started getting strong visual activity and color enhancement. At this point the visuals were similar to a strong mushroom trip, and even more similar to a strong 4-ACO-DMT trip. I started to see the ‘film’ that people describe seeing over their vision. It’s something that I never quite experienced before. The third hit left my lungs and the visuals gained strength. My mind started racing, I brought the pipe up for a fourth hit, and I started to feel extremely heavy. The visuals gained more intensity, the rushing became stronger and I started to hear the machinery work in my head. I have heard people describe this sound as machinery or cellophane wrinkling. I interpreted it more as machinery. I tried to take a fifth hit, but by that point I couldn’t remember how to hit, so I set it down. The visuals filled my entire vision until it was complete chaos. The rushing had become stronger and stronger, the machinery louder and louder, and then….

‘Zzzzzoooooooooooooommmmm’ *PANG!*

The hectic visuals broke into a smooth-flowing, color-changing kaleidoscope. I looked at my ceiling and it shifted from white to blue, blue to yellow, yellow to orange. After about 30 seconds the kaleidoscope stopped. It felt as though I went throw an extremely psychedelic tunnel and came out of the other side in a completely different realm. I closed my eyes for a moment and it was completely white. Upon reopening them about 2 seconds later I found myself in a cartoon or a watercolor painting. I looked at a brightly colored pennant that is hanging on my wall. It looked absolutely cartoonish with such vivid, beautiful colors. I have never seen colors so striking and vivid, I was filled with awe. I turned my head to the left, the poster on my wall of Jimi Hendrix was replaced by a brightly colored version of him, and the wall behind him turned into a vast field of green grass and a stunning blue sky. As I watched the grass blowing in the wind, Jimi’s afro was replaced by a crown of light, the kind you commonly see Jesus and Saints depicted with on the stained glass windows of a church. The crown started shooting bursts of light into the room around it. I looked even further to the left. What used to be a wire hanging from a shelf took on a serpent like character. It had a personality; it was trying to tell me something.

Unlike Salvia where each ‘character’ takes on its own unique personality, all of the ‘characters’ that I got with DMT all shared the same intelligence of the DMT experience. I was extremely confused at this point. My mind was racing faster than I could grasp. There was a jacket in my peripheral vision. When it was in my peripheral I was convinced that it was an intelligent being, the DMT experience sitting down next to me, sharing the visions. When I would turn to look at it the being would rush away, leaving my vision filled with bright orange and red. I looked back up at Jimi. I felt that he was controlling the visions, and looking at him brought me extreme happiness and peace. The experience took on cycles, confusion then bliss, back and forth. After what felt like an eternity the confusion broke and a profound sense of clarity and peace swept over me. Everything in the moment was perfect. This is heaven, everything that I have experienced in my entire life was in preparation for this moment, it was destined to happen. I started laughing because of the sheer beauty of everything. After a minute or two of pure bliss and happiness as I watched the different visuals across the room, I started to come down. The first word to leave my lips once I started to gain control was ‘Wow.’

The cartoon started dismantling back into a kaleidoscope. I was still tripping pretty hard when I realized that I never finished the bowl. I took the first hit and as soon as I did ‘The Crunge’ came on. I remembered that I dislike this song. I took the step to change the song, laid back down and then exhaled. I then took 2 more hits. Machinery, rushing, kaleidoscope, ‘Zzzooomm’ *PANG!*. My vision was again replaced by watercolors and the feeling of peace continued. This lasted another 2 minutes or so before I started to come down again. As I was coming down everything looked so beautiful. I felt reborn and completely at peace.

It is now 2 hours after my first hit. I still feel like I just woke out of a strange dream. The ten minutes that I was gone felt like an eternity, the 2 hours after I came back have gone by in the blink of an eye. I am left with a deep sense of peace and beauty as I have said plenty of times (I don’t know how else to describe the feeling). I feel extremely happy and fortunate to have had that experience. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 8, 2020Views: 715
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