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I Was Using It Daily
Citation:   sierra1988. "I Was Using It Daily: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp101860)". May 9, 2019.

  oral Diphenhydramine (daily)
Diphenhydramine Abuse Permanent Damage

Daily use of benadryl (Diphenhydramine) for only 2 months changed my life. I was using it daily because I happened to be the small percent of users who liked the dirty 'euphoric' experience. At first I noticed I felt happy and relieved because I have ADD, and severe depression, it 'clouded' my mind...till this day I really wish for it all back now! After 2 months of abuse and I mean ABUSE as... Within a 24 hour period I would sometimes take over 1.5 Grams.

My was just another day of abusing... When out of know where I started to 'Trip' as in....Thinking my Ex girlfriend was some kind of 'witch' that put a curse on me! And flashing back to how she acted I started to put my 'delerious' puzzle pieces together...Oh My God she was a mind reader too and she has a book of dead boyfriends that died of suicide or accidents....Oh man why me! And then I was in a Benedryl 'hole'. This was just the skim of the surface, of...other 'delerient' thoughts!

Kicking the habit...I just quit cold turkey...It's been 3 months since I touched the stuff or any drug for that matter and I'm still 'coming off of it' my mind is starting to come back but I still have this 'shocking' feeling in my body...My ears are still ringing, my face and skin is flush like I have hives, I still have auditory Hallucinations... and my vision is blurry
My ears are still ringing, my face and skin is flush like I have hives, I still have auditory Hallucinations... and my vision is blurry
, in fact I still see 'floaters' out of the corner of my eyes...besides the physical aspects...I love having a gold fish memory!

Why am I not coming down! PLEASE stop now and dont think 'It could never happen to me'

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101860
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 9, 2019Views: 1,759
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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