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Some Symptoms, Some Effects
Citation:   DerpFace. "Some Symptoms, Some Effects: An Experience with LSZ (exp101904)". Jul 25, 2017.

T+ 0:00
150 ug oral LSZ (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:45 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
9:00am I drop 1 blotter(150 micrograms) on my tongue and wait. I observe the blotter tastes like ink slightly but mainly like paper.

9:05am I have held it on my tongue for 5 minutes now - no numbness which would indicate the substance on the blotter is not a NBOME.

9:15am I decide to swallow the blotter

9:30am nothing yet but last time I took LSZ it didn’t take action tell about an hour after taking it.

9:45am I decide to roll a joint. I'm feeling something from the LSZ but it’s very subtle.

9:47am Woah, after having a few puffs my HPPD suddenly increased, odd because it doesn’t increase from just cannabis alone anymore.

9:50am I put the joint out so I can save the rest for later feeling like I am coming up now. euphoria is noted and is steadily increasing like last time I did LSZ. Small changes in visual phenomena has started and the sound of everything has changed a bit.

10:04am I looked at my pupils in the mirror no dilation yet but my last experiment with LSZ was only a week ago and it was double the dose.

10:19am Definitely starting to feel the serotonin activity but still no pupil dilation. Possibly because I used amphetamines in the last week is why I have yet to see any pupil dilation.

10:24am I decide to put on music while coming up the visual phenomena is starting to increase slowly.

10:31am I notice my hands are completely unsteady. This exactly like the last time I did LSZ where I got some tremendous dopamine-type effects probably because of LSZ’s affinity for dopamine receptor. It binds better to most dopamine receptors then LSD. I also note jaw-tension is starting.

10:45am Mucus and saliva production has increased. I look at my floor, the carpet is moving around in patterns. Headache is noted.

11:00am I start peaking the dopamine-type anxiety is very strong I might end up taking benzos to calm myself down.

11:55am after laying down and getting thru the hellish come-up I start feeling “OK” again. Stomach discomfort is noted and is getting annoying.

12:47pm I looked at my pupils and they were slightly dilated. Visuals are apparent but not as strong as my first experiment.

I spent the next few hours laying on my bed thinking, relaxing and enjoying the psychedelia.

3:15pm I feel like I am starting to come down.

4:16pm I am coming down still and would rate this experience as being a ++ on Shulgin’s rating scale. My last experiment was a +++.

5:31pm I feel like I am sober now.

This was a good experience worth repeating but the come-up of LSZ has always been hellishly anxious for me. The stomach discomfort was more apparent this experiment. I have given friends this substance and they reported no anxiety at all during their experiences.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 25, 2017Views: 2,267
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LSZ (609) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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