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A Trip Into the Unknown
Citation:   Uncle Crowfeet. "A Trip Into the Unknown: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp101928)". Aug 11, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 drops oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 2:30   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 2:30 50 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
It's 9am and it's 2005, and I'm alone. No-one is going to be in the house for 24 hours, and possibly longer than that. I have music, internet and TV. I just got up and after a coffee I consider the possibility that I might trip today. I should point out here that the LSD has been in the fridge for about a year, and that in that time I have only used it in low doses 3 times. I decide that today will be my 4th. I respect the stuff.

I start by mixing 2 drops of quality liquid LSD with some water and drink it (T + 0). About 90 minutes later I'm messing about on the computer with my headphones in, and my brain's all over the show in an introspective kind of way. The reason I'm doing this is that I come from a broken home, and I'm looking to LSD, wisely, foolishly, or perhaps a bit of both, for some answers. In particular, I'm looking for the answer to the question 'how will you ever achieve a normal Father/Son relationship'? My childhood involved a lot of domestic violence and I'd been struggling with this question for years.
I'm looking for the answer to the question 'how will you ever achieve a normal Father/Son relationship'? My childhood involved a lot of domestic violence and I'd been struggling with this question for years.

I followed my own inner law in the sense that if I'm asking myself 'is today a good day for a trip?', then the answer is already no. It is never wise to go on a trip if one has doubts in their mind before they start.

Despite previous wonderful trips on LSD, this did not start well. I was in mental pain. I poured myself a glass of wine and to my surprise, behind the bottle there was a small bag of MDMA (approx T + 2:30). It must have been there for ages because I'd forgotten about it. But I knew for sure that it was real MDMA because it was a batch I'd used before and had simply forgotten was there. I weighed out 50mg and snorted it. There begins the candyflip.

It's nothing like the name suggests. It doesn't feel like LSD or MDMA (to me at least - I don't know of anyone else that's tried this experiment), yet the two synergise anyway. The doses of both drugs however turn out to be just right. I can type away on the internet and listen to energising music but over the next hour the pain just gets worse. Eventually the LSD overpowers my ego and I'm laid bare. My mind is saying to me, 'you will never have a normal Father/Son relationship, because he is a psychopath'. The harder I try to resist this now obvious truth, the stronger the LSD side of things gets. Anyone who has tripped before knows that acid will overpower the mind more and more the more you try to resist it. The MDMA offers some comfort, in that it helps me accept the pain. I just let the pain wash over me. I am defenceless, and very glad that I chose a day when there was no-one else around for this.

After about 6 hours, the two drugs have mostly worn off. I slept well, and the next day I was a new person. My Father may be physically alive, but in my mind there is no thought of revenge, reconciliation or negotiation. I have quietly disowned him in one day. I got the answers I was looking for, but I didn't like them.

Overall, I would say that from previous MDMA experiences, plenty would agree with me in describing it as a night of magic. LSD is another story. It's brutal. Once you have taken acid, you're changed forever.

Do I regret this day? No. Not at all. I have not taken LSD or MDMA for 6 years now. I speak from the experience of a crazy and unbelievably over the top day, not from the position of using these substances now or any time in the recent past.

Overall summary: Very strong combination. Less is more. Not a combination to do for a laugh like you might do with a bowl of weed.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 101928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 11, 2022Views: 528
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LSD (2), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), MDMA (3) : General (1), Alone (16)

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