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What the What, Complete Confusion
Citation:   Grambag. "What the What, Complete Confusion: An Experience with Heroin (exp101975)". Aug 20, 2020.

  IV Heroin (daily)
I got home and was ready for a hit (IV), it had been about 4 hours since my last .30 gram hit, .20 is the lowest I take, can't really feel anything lower than that. Been IVing for about a year, been doing heroin about 5 years on and off, been doing it every day for the last 3 months.
Been IVing for about a year, been doing heroin about 5 years on and off, been doing it every day for the last 3 months.

I preped my hit and shot it, before I could suck up water to clean the rig I went into a state I can only explain as omg what the what, complete confusion (in a good way...) I kept my eyes closed and it was like nothing I've ever felt, I probably couldn't recall my own name...just complete blankminded euphoria (I'm trying my best to explain something I've never felt) so I'm sitting with my eyes closed feeling complete blankminded euphoria, I couldn't do anything, recall my own name, do simple math, tell you what I was human animal...... JUST THE HIGHEST I'VE EVER BEEN, I didn't pass out, all I can remember is saying 'WHAT THE WHAT!?' over and over again. I've done almost everything but meth, so pot, coke, crack, shrooms, LSD, MDMA, one of my favs DMT, etc, etc. Just instant, almost out of body euphoria and I couldn't even figure out 2+2, and it lasted about 10 or 15 min or so, that's the best I can explain it.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101975
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 20, 2020Views: 1,033
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Heroin (27) : Alone (16), Addiction & Habituation (10), General (1)

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