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Weird Chemical
Citation:   Ragnaros. "Weird Chemical: An Experience with 5-Methyl-MDA (exp102094)". Dec 25, 2013.

40 mg oral 5-Methyl-MDA (powder / crystals)
I recently ordered 500mg of 5-Methyl-MDA, in curiosity of how good this chemical was. I felt very excited to take a dose, so I scaled out 40mg, spilled the fluffy white powder onto thin toilet paper, and swallowed it.

After one hour I felt like I was on Xanax, I just feel completely sedated, and dissociated, but without euphoria. After 2 hours I came down completely.

All in all, I would probably never try 5-Methyl-MDA again.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102094
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Dec 25, 2013Views: 4,657
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