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Worst Week of My Life
Citation:   Smoalker. "Worst Week of My Life: An Experience with Phenibut (exp102096)". Nov 17, 2020.

2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut (daily)
It all started at the beginning of my first semester of college.

I had been reading about a nootropic named phenibut that allegedly had quite decent anxiolytic effects so I decided to give it a go (mostly due to how inexpensive it was).

I had been suffering from very strong anxiety for the last 3 years which I self medicated with weed, kanna, kava, kratom, benzos and whatever I could get my hands on really so I was excited to see if this stuff could actually fix me.

When it finally arrived I dosed 600mg and my life basically done a 360 degree flip.

My anxiety was non existent,music sounded great,I was doing great in college, I was very sociable and generally in very high spirits for the whole day.

I continued this daily dosing for 8 weeks by which time my tolerance had increased to 2.3g a day spread out through various doses throughout the day.

I knew I needed to quit so on the final day of the semester I went cold turkey.
within a few hours of my last dose it began.

I started to get very bad shakes, terrible anxiety and a very worrying heart rate.

This progressively got worse until at day 2 I was at the peak of the WD.

By this time I was having terrible muscle spasms non stop, pounding heartbeat, no appetite, extreme insomnia( I did notsleep for 4 days) and of course, soul crushing anxiety.

By day 4 it finally began to ease of and by day 6 I was almost back to normal apart from still having no appetite, a little anxiety and some insomnia.

This withdrawal was no joke at all and definitely the worst week of my life so far.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102096
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 17, 2020Views: 2,184
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Music Discussion (22), Performance Enhancement (50), Not Applicable (38)

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