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Opened like a Lotus Space Travel
Citation:   Cosmic Kind. "Opened like a Lotus Space Travel: An Experience with LSD (exp102154)". Jul 9, 2019.

2 hits oral LSD (liquid)
Took two doses about 5:30 p.m. on the familiar 'ride up' I knew this liquid was going to be very potent.

My buddy turned on some Grateful Dead and I was comforted by the familiar sounds. M put that music on at just the right point because just as I was starting to peak the music turned into an orchestra of twisting clocks. My eyes were closed and this shift in music made me very uncomfortable. My mind was reeling in on itself to an almost unbearable pitch.

Just when I felt like I might scream uncontrollably everything cleared away effortlessly. My body-mind became light and buoyant. I felt a peace like no other wash over me softly, and as it did the top of my head opened like a lotus.
I felt a peace like no other wash over me softly, and as it did the top of my head opened like a lotus.
This was a very odd feeling looking back, but at the moment it felt perfectly natural. My spirit or energy or consciousness or whatever float upwards out of my body into space. I felt at total peace gazing out at the stars and all of creation.

Then out of the inky blackness a small point of something appeared. This small point grew out symmetrically into these beautiful delicate hands that seemed to have a rainbow aura. More hands radiated outwards some were open with beautiful strange eyes looking at me some held things some held many things like somehow multiple things could fill one space. Outward until a full image of a magnificent being of golden light with many arms and hands appeared.

This was more than a bit scary to me. It was simply too much to behold. I opened my eyes and I was almost completely sober!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102154
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 655
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