Pretty Disappointing
Diclazepam & Etizolam
Citation:   Ayahuasca_01. "Pretty Disappointing: An Experience with Diclazepam & Etizolam (exp102172)". Sep 15, 2014.

T+ 0:00
500 ug oral Diclazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 500 ug oral Diclazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:40 1 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 1 mg oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
History w/ chemicals: Minor opiates, variations of hash (mostly/preferably synthetic), few mild research stims/hallucinogens.

Diclazepam - 2'-chloro analogue of Diazepam - a benzodiazepine derivative. And, according to further research '…theoretically Diclazepam would react in a similar way to Diazepam - inducing sedation, muscle relaxation and anxiolytic properties'.

Etizolam - “…a derivative of thienodiazepine and an analogue of benzodiazepine”. I was assuming the effects of both would be akin to a typical benzo.

Atmosphere: I feel normal, ate food before and will throughout this experiment. Planned to unwind in my room, made it comfortable, no outside noise.

16:00 - Take 500mcg Diclazepam pellet orally

16:15 - Nothin’

16:30 - Still nope

16:40 - Feel like I’ve been cheated

17:00 - Take the other 500mcg

17:10 - Still waiting

17:40- SCREW IT, take 1mg Etizolam orally

19:00 - Feel pretty calm, slight sense of the “everything’s going perfectly for me in my life w/out any external prompting” that I usually associate w/ marijuana-thinking

20:00 - Nothing great, no euphoria, finding myself stumble a little, any change has been very subtle so maybe I don’t notice (maybe just placebo)

20:20 - Found myself speaking confidently to someone and, although feeling a little drowsy, I’m surprisingly charismatic and outspoken

21:00 - Decide to take another 1mg Etizolam

22:00 - Nope

23:00 - LAME, nothing

Woke up the day after and simply felt tired, this was a pretty futile experiment.

Conclusion: Next time I’m definitely taking more but, of course, at sensible intervals (benzo addiction’s pretty unpleasant). I might look up consumption w/ hash, there may be some interesting experiences.

I could use it as a sleep aid maybe? Or perhaps a way to come down after a particularly heavy trip?

NOTE: Not for guys looking specifically for a get-high-quick drug.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102172
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2014Views: 22,156
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Diclazepam (670), Etizolam (568) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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