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Nice Low Dose
Citation:   Solfamida. "Nice Low Dose: An Experience with MDMA (exp102222)". Feb 18, 2020.

40 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
I'm not very used to the substance, I only took molly three times, and always with at least two months of resting. But this time I rolled it only a week after the last one, I took 90 mg and had a strong experience.

And yesterday I was bored and decided to take the 40 mg powder molly that I had left from the last time. 40 mg by itself wouldn't do anything orally, so I decided to snort it because I read that you needed less dose that way. I haven't snorted anything before this. So I took it, drew a few tiny lines with a card, took a straw and snorted it. My nose ached, but it was tolerable, the only thing that was unbearable was the taste of molly on the back of my throat mixing with snort, it was very awful, but only lasted 15 minutes.

The effects of the drug kicked in five minutes after snorting it, it was a light but nervous high, felt very alike methylone, I had the urge to talk to someone and replied to everything everybody posted on twitter, singing, drawing, watching cartoons, everything on. this was pretty fun, not as fun as having a full oral dose but I quite enjoyed it. At some moment I got paranoid about losing a friend and started crying and feeling like the shittiest person in the world, then texted him and told him how I felt, then I started being happy again, then is when I realized this drug is not like happiness in powder, is more like it maximizes the feeling I'm having at the moment. The drug started coming down 2 h 30 m later.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102222
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2020Views: 1,516
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Alone (16)

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