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It Lasts Too Long
Citation:   Badknees. "It Lasts Too Long: An Experience with 2C-P (exp102357)". Feb 12, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-P (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 6:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 9:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 12:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 24:00 0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  T+ 30:00 3 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
My First Time With 2C-P

- Substance: 2C-P (10mg) (+/- 1-2mg)
- ROA: Oral (capsule)
- Other substances consumed: Cannabis (3 bowls)

I hadn't had a proper trip in 6 months, the last substance I'd tripped on was DPT. I had recently moved home after spending 7 months living in another state where I didn't really know anyone. Aside from the DPT I had only consumed MDMA at a club one night while I was out of state.

The set/setting was at a friend's house who is my tripping buddy. Every new substance I'd trip on since high school I had done with this guy. We both trip about twice a year and and its become a bit of a tradition for us since our first trails with shrooms way back in 2003.

We are both getting up there in years these days (he's 30, I'm 28) and have a lot of experience with all sorts of drugs. We've also both had addiction problems in the past. Alcohol is what got to him while I explored the world of opiate addiction for many years. We are both more of less clean these days aside from cannabis and our bi-yearly trips.

On to the trip itself:

T+00:00 -

At 9pm we both consume our capsules and smoke a bowl of OG Kush. We're both in good spirits but as always we have the pre-trip jitters. We decide to kill time by watching TV and talking about old times. This is the first time we've gotten to hang out since I've returned back to my home town so we had a lot to catch up on.

My friends younger brother/roommate was also present but had to go to work in the morning. He decides to stay up to see how the 2C-P hits us and hangs around for the next two hours or so.

T+00:45 -

First alerts are noticed. Something is happening but it is hard to put my finger on what. Can't tell if it's kicking in or I'm just having pre-trip jitters. Have grin on my face that I can't get rid of.

T+01:30 - 2:00 -

It's kicking in for sure now. My friend comments that his vision is 'in HD' and I'm sure my pupils are becoming dilated. A quick mirror check confirms that they are indeed larger than usual. Head space is more or less normal, visuals light aside from everything seeming to be brighter. Pre-trip jitters becoming more pronounced and I now have a bit of an upset stomach but nothing close to feeling like I need to puke.

T+2:00-3:00 -

Visuals are picking up, slight movement of objects out of the corners of my vision. Everything is brighter. Head space still more or less normal. Stomach becomes worse but neither of us puke and eventually the feeling passes. My friends roommate decides to go to bed as it is getting close to 12am local time.

T+3:00 -

It has finally kicked in. Visuals coming on strong, head space becoming more trippy. Decide to take a dump before I'm tripping too hard for fear of shitting myself on the peak (illogical fear I have, have never shit myself while tripping but always feel that I might).

Once I enter the bathroom and sit down on the toilet I know I am tripping for sure. The floor in this bathroom is made up of small wood panels. The details in the wood flow like mini-rivers when I stare at them. Try as I might I can not use the bathroom at all. After a few minutes I give up and look at myself in the mirror. Pupils are now the size of saucers. Everything is moving, breathing, warping, and shifting.

Decide to check on my friend. He was busy using the other bathroom and says he's getting similar visuals. He tells me to look at the floor in the other bathroom while he checks out the floor in the bathroom I was just in. The other bathroom has a checkboard pattern on the floor which is moving in 'waves'. I close the door quickly because I frankly don't find it that interesting.

We spend the next hour just staring at things in the house and asking each other if we're seeing the same visuals. My friend eventually says that 'everything looks like it is in a microwave' and I think that's a good way to sum up the visuals. Everything is melting.

T+4:00-6:00 -

Strongest visuals of the trip occur during this time. Tracers very pronounced. They ramp up a bit from the ones noted at T+3:00 but eventually level off and never become too overwhelming. Head space is still mostly clear with a hint of trippyness. This is a much less intense headspace than mushrooms but still has enough to it to provoke bouts of laughter.

We watch adult swim and stream trippy shows on crackle and netflix (one begin Heavy Metal 2000). We laugh and laugh at jokes we've seen a million times on family guy. We spend a while laughing at the size of Stewie's head and other such things. We laugh and talk about old times.

Again the headspace is somewhat clear and there are many points where I feel totally sober. The waves come fast and strong but never enough that we feel out of control. Everything is still warping, moving, breathing, and melting.

T+6:00-9:00 -

Cannabis is consumed at this point and the trip ramps up for a little while but never becomes 'too much'. Bouts of laughter continue, visuals continue but aren't 'in our face' to the degree that they were over the last 3 hours. We are unsure if we've just gotten used to them or they are passing.

My friend's brother wakes up because he was having issues sleeping with two people tripping the next room over. He attempts to fuck with us but we're not having any of it. Eventually he just decides to hang around for a bit to ask us how the trip is going. He comments on the size of our pupils and tells us if we were in public someone would instantly know we were on something. We ask him if we're bothering him and he says no and eventually goes back to bed.

Headspace hasn't changed at all. We're both in good spirits and continue to talk about our lives, friendships, and other such things. We both attempt to eat but are unable to finish our meals because they are 'tasteless'. We try to force down what we can.

T+9:00-12:00 -

Visuals start to taper off but are still coming in waves. Headspace still hasn't changed much. Still very trippy. Have to wake up friend's roommate at 7am for work.

After he leaves we decide to watch anime on netflix in hopes of riding out the end of the trip.

T+12:00-16:00 -

Visuals have slowed at this point but are still slightly present. Headspace far less intense. A bowl of cannabis is consumed and ramps the trip back up for awhile but nowhere near peak levels.

We end up watching an entire season of an anime in one sitting and get into the show. We're pointing out plot holes and making random comments about the heroes in the show being idiots at certain points. We spend a lot of time laughing about them doing stupid things. Very unlike us sober.

T+16:00-24:00 -

Slowly but surely the trip is starting to wind down. Still waves coming where things are slightly melting but they are few and far between. Headspace not as intense as peak but still very altered. Still have 'HD vision' and pupils are still dilated.

We finally are able to consume a full meal and can actually taste the food now. We both also manage to have a bowel movement and man does it stink. We aren't sure if it's because our sense of smell is enhanced or if the 2C-P caused it. I note that my bowel movement isn't as solid as normal but my recent change in diet may have something to do with this.

T+24:00-27:00 -

Pupils still dilated, headspace still slightly altered but am mostly sober. Friend's brother returns home with 4mg of xanax that I had requested him to get me. I give 0.5mg to my tripping buddy and take 0.5mg myself.

After an hour or so I feel I'm mostly back to baseline, even though my pupils are still the size of saucers. I decide to drive home so that I can take the rest of the xanax and sleep it off in my own bed.

T+27:00 - 30:00 -

Drive home goes well, still have HD vision but no extreme visuals. Drive as well as I normally would sober but still worried about begin pulled over and having someone see my pupils. Thankfully ride home went well aside from a few deer almost running in front of me.

Once home I consume 3mg of xanax and watch TV for about an hour or so. Eventually get to bed and get some much needed sleep. I sleep all day until 10pm the following night.

After effects -

It is now +4 hours since waking up. Pupils have finally gone back to their normal size. Ate a full meal and have just laid around the house. Vision still a little off but I usually have mild HPPD after using drugs like this anyway so I do not expect any permanent effects in that department. Have yet to consume cannabis but suspect it will bring out 'trippy visuals' for at least two more weeks if the past is anything to go on.

After effects three days later -

Smoking cannabis the first two days after the trip brought back mild effects from the 2C-P
Smoking cannabis the first two days after the trip brought back mild effects from the 2C-P
, but these have mostly gone away on the third day. This is not unusual for me and I expect it to eventually go away all together. I have been more tired than usual and sleeping more hours than usual but this effect seems to be going away as well. Over all mindstate is great and my mood has been better than usual. Basically I still feel as if I'm going through a very mild after glow.

[b]Final thoughts[/b] -

I do like this drug, however I feel that it lacks the proper headspace to do any personal exploration. I came into this trip hoping to work through some personal things and honestly the thought of them never crossed my mind while tripping. I did not feel connected to other people or 'the universe' in any way.

In other words I came in hopeful to learn but the drug itself had no lessons to teach.

As such I think this is more of a 'party drug', although I caution anyone taking it 'just to get fucked up' to respect it as well. I have a feeling that if I would have taken slightly more that I might have found a level with it where it would have given us a more intense headspace. I hope to one day attempt it again at a higher dosage.

I would also like to note that while on this drug my tripping buddy and I felt no pain whatsoever. He has multiple chronic injuries and I currently have a partially torn LCL in my right knee.

Neither of us could feel any pain whatsoever from t+3:00 until t+16:00. So be careful if you're like us because after this effect had worn off we both had noticed that we'd overexerted ourselves and were in great pain. I could barely walk and was afraid that I might have caused further damage to my knee. After a good night's sleep it is more or less back to its usual pain level.

All that said I do enjoy this substance and would take it again. The only thing I do not like about it is the duration and I commented several times during the trip that 'it lasts too long' and that I should 'stop ordering drugs from China'. I think if the duration was reduced to about 12 hours instead of 24 it would be more fun. However my main problem with the duration is mostly the peak, if the peak effects lasted longer I wouldn't mind it so much. It's just that slow ride down where you're half tripping that gets to me.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102357
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Feb 12, 2021Views: 1,033
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2C-P (305) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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