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To Try as a Substitute for Opiates
Citation:   Bill C.. "To Try as a Substitute for Opiates: An Experience with Kratom (exp102388)". Nov 13, 2017.

T+ 0:00
2 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 4:00 4 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 8:00 4 g oral Kratom (capsule)
Kratom Experience with Opiate Tolerance

I have a fairly high tolerance for opiates because of chronic and severe pain. I decided to try Kratom as a potential alternative or to supplement at times when I ran out of prescription medication too early to obtain a refill.

I obtained 28 grams of “Borneo” premium powder Kratom with a high red veined ratio to try as a substitute for opiates. Red vein Kratom is noted for its more sedative effects. The Kratom was packaged up into size “00” vegetable capsules. I elected to use vegetable caps because gelatin caps tend to coat the stomach and reduce the intensity of ingestion. Each cap contained roughly ½ gram of powder.

Beginning with approximately 2g initially followed by two 4g doses about four hours apart effects were negligible. I had read that Kratom produces more of a stimulant effect at lower doses with more of a sedative effect at higher doses I continued the 4g regiment until the first 28g of the powder was exhausted. Other than a slight “buzzy head” I noticed nothing significant. Even with a good quality capsule filling jig packaging up the caps was a rather messy process. The powder is extremely fine and because of static electricity it stuck to both the plastic parts of the jig and the paper plate I used to catch spillage.

Next, I decided to try another 28g of “Bali” premium grade powder. Again, the effects were only slight with only a minimal feeling of relaxation with the same sort of “buzz”; certainly nothing to write home about. Finally, I obtained 10g of extract called “Gold Reserve”. The supplier noted that this grade of extract was known to have a profound effect for some that received no noticeable effects from other varieties of Kratom.

Most of what I read indicated that Kratom extracts although described as up to 15 times stronger than premium powder in reality they were only 3-5 times stronger. I elected to proceed with the assumption that the latter was true. I began with a 2g dose of the extract and another 2g dose two hours later. I experienced a slight euphoria along with the “buzzy head” and a mild sedative effect. This tapered off quickly and I followed with 3g dose after another 4 hours and then another 2g later that evening. I did not notice much change and felt like it would be difficult to maintain any pain relief with such a regimen. I was also becoming annoyed with everything starting to taste and smell like Kratom; its taste and aroma are not pleasant. However after sitting for an hour at my desk I got up to do something and immediately experienced central nervous system anomalies. My legs were shaky and unsteady and my hands were shaking moderately. I had difficulty steadying myself and needed to hold on to something to walk into the next room. It was a disturbing and unpleasant effect. Fortunately this lasted only a couple of hours.

This ended my Kratom trials. I perceived no resemblance to opiate effects and found that Kratom did not reduce pain nor did it reduce any of the opiate withdrawal symptoms for me. My experience was that when I finally achieved a dose of Kratom high enough to feel the effects they were unpleasant and not desirable. This could be due to my high opiate tolerance. But at least I now know Kratom isn’t for me.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 57
Published: Nov 13, 2017Views: 2,278
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