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Don't Do More After Midnight
Methylphenidate & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Tabasco. "Don't Do More After Midnight: An Experience with Methylphenidate & Alcohol - Hard (exp102444)". Sep 18, 2019.

  repeated insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (ground / crushed)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
Some background info first...

I was diagnosed as having ADD with Asperger traits some five years ago. I've eaten various preparations of Methylphenidate since then, usually around 65mg per day.

At first I was given Concerta, it lasted too long for my tastes, approx 12-16 hours. After a year I switched to Ritalin XR, a capsule with rougly 8-10 hour effect. I still found this to be too lengthy, and I got 10mg+10mg instant and 40mg XR to take as I saw fit. The instant pills had the effect of strong up, strong crash. That and the smaller Ritalin XR wouldn't keep me 'in the zone' instead. So that's when I got slow release capsules, these have worked best for me and I take 20mg+40mg as I see fit through the day.


I have developed a considerable resistance to this substance
I have developed a considerable resistance to this substance
, and the amount I took at the party is NOT recommended for anyone new to this substance. It would be an enormous overdose for most people. As I have gained and lost some 25kg since I was given these pills, I can say with some confidence that body weight has very little effect on how much I can take, don't think you can do more just because you're heavier than your friend etc.


I rarely drink, 2-3 times a year at most, and I have a low tolerance to alcohol. 35cl of 40% over 4 hours usually means I end up puking in the bathroom when dawn comes. I'm one of those that get only slightly more talkative, but then I get extremely sleepy.

I'd tried snorting 40mg Medikinet capsules earlier that year to try it out, and I liked it. With a little bit of alcohol, some 2-4cl shots I found that I had a better effect, so I was confident I could do this for the party. I saved up a few caps, and ended up grinding down 120mg in total. These caps contain little white and blue balls, the white being instant and the blue slow release. The capsule itself has none of the substance, and I threw these away. Grinding them removes most of the slow release effect, but not all as I was about to experience...

We arrived at the party around 8 pm, I had a mixer and went round talking to everyone. A half hour into the party, I went to snort some powder, I estimate it was 30mg in one go.

Maybe 15 minutes later, I start feeling great, have a few more drinks as time passes, we took a walk and came back around 10pm. I go in for another 20 something, more alcohol and talking. I feel great, I've already chugged down around 15cl alcohol by now, much by my standards. And despite this I have absolutely no side effects, nausea from the alcohol or otherwise, and I decide this was an awesome idea.

We eat some dinner about 11pm, drink some more and as it's about to be midnight, I start feeling a little sleepy. We go out and watch the sky, come back in maybe half past midnight and was no longer feeling tired, but taking a look at the bottle of rum reveals I've already had half a 70cl bottle. I would've been passed out drunk any other night after this much. Yet I fill up another glass, we do some small vodka shots, maybe 3cl total.

Time passes, and around 1:30 am we call for a ride home as the hosts want to get to bed.

I go to snort the last of my stash, at least 70mg in a single go... This is where things to feel bad. On the ride home I get extremely nauseous, but I never throw up. What feels like an eternity later, we get home. We chat outside in the cold for maybe an hour with the driver, my nausea settles. I start to feel very drunk, very tired and weak in general. I get to bed around 5am, my pulse races, my mind fills with thoughts of anxiety and regret. 'Why did I snort that much' and so on.

I end up being utterly unable to fall asleep, writhing and obsessing for some four hours.
I end up being utterly unable to fall asleep, writhing and obsessing for some four hours.
Eventually I pass out, wake up around noon feeling hung over and brutally tired. Wake and sleep for the remainder of that day, getting out of bed around 8 pm.

My conclusion:

Combining alcohol and methylphenidate is fantastic, I get a much better rush from the methylphenidate than normal, and I won't get tired and nauseous from the alcohol. However, I should never surpass the level of alcohol I normally drink, while I may feel great as the methylphenidate is active, the come down with too much alcohol is a disaster, especially with the insomnia I get.

Just like with booze, after midnight: No more refills. I combined smaller amounts after this party, and I didn't have a bad experience when sticking to these rules.

I also realized that crushing the contents, and pouring a shot of vodka on top to dissolve it, actually yields a stronger effect in total. I suspect the slow release formula doesn't dissolve fully when snorted.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102444
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 1,584
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Large Group (10+) (19), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3)

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