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Taken on Daily Basis as Antidepressant
Citation:   Dimethoxy. "Taken on Daily Basis as Antidepressant: An Experience with MDMA (exp102470)". Jun 11, 2020.

10 mg oral MDMA (daily)
MDMA as Antidepressant

Small illegal research of 10 mg. MDMA taken on daily basis with no other substance included, except caffeine and alcohol (in small amounts occasionaly).

Two of us participated:
- 26 year old, generally healthy 55 kg. female, who suffers major depressive disorder with derealisation for last 8 year
- 25 year old (me), generally healthy 75 kg. male, who suffers seasonal affective disorder, general anxiety disorder and had some suicide attempts during his teenage/adolescent years.

Both were treated with 10 mg. dose of 86% purity MDMA crystals daily for 14 (her) and 10 (me) days.

For her, full remission of depressive symptoms (but not derealisation) was observed and reported during the treatment and 1-1,5 week after the end of the treatment. After that depression symptoms start to comming back on the pre-treatment level.

It is important to mention, she reported that she felt some minor pleasurable effects after every dose, that seemed grow a little bit stronger from the beginning of the treatment to the end. It's also important to mention, that she tried conventional antidepressant treatment in the past (paroxetine, venlafaxine, agomelatine and burpopion), but they doesn't seem to help her in the long run.

For me, there were major improvement of the general anxiety symptoms and full remission of SAD during the treatment, but it was impossible to observe positive effects in the long run, because I got drunk and ingested large amounts of amphetamines on the 10-th day.

Reported effects:
- Lower anxiety level;
- Disrupt compulsive behavior patterns (like constantly checking, is he or she forgot to close the door, or switch off the iron etc.);
- Less social anxiety (it is less stressful to be in the crowded areas like subway);
- Easier to fall asleep;
- Improved socialisation (even with people who we don't like);
- It's easier to focus on a specific task (better concentration);
- Self-esteem improvement;
- Improved introspection;
- Raise of tolerance to everyday stress (in my case: 'you're still may be annoyed or sad about specific situation, but you forget about it quickly after the situation is over').

- Bruxism (mild);
- Increased sweating (mild);
- dry mouth (mild);
- Lower appetite and weight loss (mild);
- Agitation and anxiety first 30-60 min. after ingestion;
- I think it could damage tooth enemal (due to dry mouth);
- Blurred vision (getting worse during the treatment).

No other negative effects was observed.

Summary: Even low doses of MDMA improved symptoms of a major depression and SAD in the short run with little negative side effects. *Personal opinion*: Very promising. More research should be done on this.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102470
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 11, 2020Views: 841
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MDMA (3) : Depression (15), Multi-Day Experience (13), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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