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Surprisingly Tame
MDMA & Bupropion
Citation:   Krelian. "Surprisingly Tame: An Experience with MDMA & Bupropion (exp102476)". Feb 13, 2023.

T+ 0:00
80 mg IV MDMA  
  T+ 0:30 200 mg IV MDMA  
  T+ 1:55   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 3:30 200 mg IV MDMA  
  T+ 5:35   oral Coffee  
  T+ 0:00   oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
A Surprisingly Tame Experience

Dose: 280 mg (IV), 200 mg (IV) at T +3.5 hours. 480mg total.
Other Medications: Wellbutrin (Bupropion) regularly for many years for mild but persistent depression.
Route: Intravenous with 1/2 CC insulin syringe.
Previous Experience: Tablet Ecstasy a few times in high school, crystal MDMA twice over the past 6 years or so.

Disclaimer: I chose to try this drug by IV injection because I trusted my source enough to know that I had unadultered, relatively pure synthesized MDMA, enough medical experience to safely administer the dose, and the appropriate supplies to ensure a sterile injection and subsequent wound care. DO NOT attempt to use any drug intravenously unless you can say with 100% certainty that ALL of those qualifiers apply to you as we'll. Do not mess around with needles. You can very easily overdose or get a life-threatening infection.

Even with these caveats, it's risky. I'm no chemist, I can't say with absolute certainty that what I used was exactly what I was told it was. Always use common sense and err on the side of caution. This turned out fine, but in my opinion, following this experience, IV is needlessly risky for MDMA.

Also, due to very recent psycho-spiritual experiences I have undergone, my mood is incredibly high - far more positive than baseline. So precisely judging the drug's impact on emotion is likely impossible for this trip report.

Anyway, onwards;

2:30: I inject approximately 80 mgs of the crystal - it dissolved smoothly in a 1/2 CC of warm water. Minimal rush, which surprised me. Minor burning sensation at the injection site. Bit of a buzzing, rushing sensation in my brain about 20 seconds later.

3:00: Still not feeling much other than some increased, speedy energy. I decide to inject the rest, which I guess was about 200mg. This time, there is an appreciable rush, a buzzing, electric feeling that fills my body. A momentary twinge of nausea that easily passes. My forehead breaks out in sweat, but it stops by the time I wipe it off twice. Feeling great, but a bit puzzled by any really overt signs of the drug acting on me. I decide to eat an apple, drink a glass of water, and watch some Doctor Who while I settle in to the experience.

4:25: If I didn't completely trust my source, I would be wondering if I had been ripped off. I feel remarkably close to baseline, which is especially odd considering the method of use. I am definitely feeling the MDMA - my jaw is clenching a bit, my scalp feels tingly and tight, and my appetite diminished to the point where I couldn't even finish the apple I started. I think my vision is devolving soft, fuzzy halos around LED and flourescent lights, but the effect is subtle. I am going to pee and smoke a cigarette outside to see if nicotine or sunlight will potentiate anything.

4:40: Movement and smoking kicked things up a notch. Scalp is buzzing more strongly and some very minor exertion (weighing down a sheet above a window with an 8lb weight) elicited sweat on my brow and palms. My focus is able to split is odd ways. I can type things and think back to a few minutes back while still tracking the audio on the TV, keeping up with what is going on in the Doctor Who episode.

Taste is affected in an odd way - orange juice tastes bland when it was quite tasty 2 hours ago. Not that my taste is dulled, just that normal favors don't excite my brain as much as they normally do.

Sound is enhanced - deep bass beats on the show's soundtrack are especially pleasing.

Mood is consistently high, and I feel quite connected to everything. As I said before, I entered this trip already feeling fantastic, but the drug has made me more effusive in expressing it, both in ease of typing this, and my internal monologue. The warmth of my emotional high has been added to and enhanced since taking the drug as well.

5:00: Given that I trust my source completely and I have used these same crystals to good effect in combination with stronger psychedelics with good effect, I can only conclude that my previous experiences with Molly were not, in fact, unadultered, pure MDMA. It seems that pure MDMA is tamer than I thought, if this is the sum of the effects of a 200mg dosage.

I may go get an additional 200 mg to add to this shortly. If I do, I will resume this log.

Otherwise, I can say I'm glad to learn what a clean MDMA trip entails, and think it has its place in far more situations than I originally thought.

6:00: After consulting several sources with experience with high purity MDMA, I decided that using more would not pose a significant risk. I purchased another 200 mg ( my friend lives nearby) and came back home.

Once again I injected it, this time all at once. There was a definite rush this time, a cool, tight, electric feeling over my entire body that persisted for almost a minute. There was no noticeable mental or psychedelic effect to the injection, just the instant change in body load.

7:30: I have been sitting here reading on my iPad and watching the news since I took the additional dose. I made a small cheese pita pizza of which I could only manage to stay interested in for three small, palm-sized slices. The strange feeling of emptiness in regards to flavor that I noticed earlier is still there. Interestingly, plain water is still just as refreshing as always.

My grandmother came over almost immediately after I dosed a second time. Interacting with her is pleasant and easy, and her reactions belie absolutely no change in my outward behavior or appearance.

My hearing seems tuned to low frequencies and things with a musical cadence or beat. My grandmother's voice seems muffled in flat, much in the same way flavors of foods were muted and lessened. Odd.

I have had some rumbling intestinal things and gas for the past hour. Given how bland and standard my diet was today, I believe this is part of the body load on the increased dose.

8:05: Opened a bag of potato chips - these taste even better than they normally do. Richer taste, they seem to mush in my mouth with no cracking or sharp edges, and retain their flavor until fully swallowed and rinsed down with water. My French-press coffee is muted, however. But still enjoyable, and the texture is pleasing. This drug definitely is selective about tactile information in a way that ignores my own preferences. Kinda cool, finding out what's the same and what's different.

My jaw is tensing more since the second dose. I am not grinding my teeth though - my jaw muscles are tight, but holding my molars slightly apart. So it's not painful, but I'm sure it will be sore tomorrow.

8:15: My neck is stiff, so since I am going out later, I take too Aleve. As far as I know this is not contraindicated and will have no interaction at all with the MDMA.

8:30. I am leaving to go to a show with a friend - I feel safe saying that this is the entirety of the experience. I will, of course, append this if that proves to not be the case.

1:05: Back home for the night. Visuals driving home were more marked than any time before. Car headlights had starlight auras. Driving to Islip and back, I had trouble following written directions and had to frequently turn around. When I would look at a map and know where I was going, however, there were no issues. I do not know if this was the fault of Apple Maps, or if the drug interfered with my reading comprehension. It did not impact my ability to read maps or recognize signs in any way if it was responsible for the other difficulty.

I am hungry now, and other than the aforementioned auras around point sources of light, I believe it is safe to say the experience is over. Somewhat gassy, bordering on uncomfortably since I can't seem to eliminate much of it. Mouth is dry. Will see if any uncomfortable insomnia results, I do not suspect it will.

Will have to research how to test purity scientifically and find LD50 curves from lab studies. Will only use IV sparingly to prevent any damage to veins, as the only benefit is immediate onset of the psychedelic effects. Not worth any health risks to pursue when not absolutely safe and convenient.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102476
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 13, 2023Views: 386
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MDMA (3), Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3)

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