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Stimulated a Sense of Well Being and Aided in Meditation
Citation:   Keith. "Stimulated a Sense of Well Being and Aided in Meditation: An Experience with Cacao (exp102507)". Apr 30, 2019.

1 tsp oral Cacao (ground / crushed)
Cacao Meditation Aid

Having developed an allergy to marijuana I have been searching for some sort of mild substance that enhances feelings of well being and assists with meditation.

After having done some research I decided to give cacao (chocolate) a try. I made sure the broma process was used to process it instead of 'the dutch process' because the dutch process destroys much of the nutritional content. The easiest type of raw cacao for me to acquire was the one at the supermarket. I just put a teaspoon of it in a small amount of water and let it sit for about 10 minutes and let the cacao powder dissolve in the water. Then I stirred and drank it. I added no sugar or anything.

I experienced mild feelings associated with relaxation and well being. During this time I meditated sitting using gyan mudra and at times gently saying aum (sometimes spelled om) to quiet the thoughts as well as sometimes bringing focus to the breath to steady the mind... and at certain times deliberately breathing slow to help further relaxation.

During meditation I brought my attention to the heart, in Sanskrit the heart is called hridayam and that means 'this is the center'. Meditation in Sanskrit is called dhyana which means 'your attention to'. In indic (Hindu/Buddhist/Vedic) philosophy it is advised to bring the attention to the heart when meditating. When writing of this topic I am reminded of hearing a proverb stated by various new age thinkers: 'where your attention goes there your energy flows'.

During meditation I managed to gradually detach from being anxious about the outer world and focus within to a degree.

In conclusion I felt that cacao stimulated a sense of well being and aided in meditation.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102507
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 1,914
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Cacao (638), Meditation (128) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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