An Incredible Surge of Love Taking Over Me
Citation:   dmtlover. "An Incredible Surge of Love Taking Over Me: An Experience with DMT (exp102539)". Jan 18, 2019.

3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
My first most beautiful experience with DMT

I have always wanted to try DMT but I just never had the chance, I have never done anything else besides the face that I am a regular smoker of marijuana.

'You don't find or buy DMT, DMT finds you', said this guy I met about eight months ago, such an interesting person, we got a long so well and could talk for hours about life. When I am with him I am never bored, there is no effort needed for us to communicate. We became best friends. You could say that he has a hidden chemist, a genius in him, even though he is very young. One day he told me he made DMT but he was not truly pleased with the results, he wanted it to turn out better. I got busy, and forgot about the whole thing, and we started seeing less and less of each other but I still missed spending time with him.

One day I finally decided to go visit him, little did I know that this was going to be the best experience of my life.

I was so glad to see that same familiar face, the same beautiful smile. We were in his bedroom, it was well lit, but not bright, We were drinking a few beers and laughing, just having fun on his bed when he pulled out his little container and showed me those beautiful little yellowish crystals in a powder like form.

I wanted to try it right away but a strange fear gripped me and I told him that I was scared. He made me feel secure and told me think good thoughts, he kept talking to me and held me hands as I was letting myself relax and just smiling at him.

I remember holding the glass pipe in my hands and his voice telling me to inhale it deeply as he lit it for me, the taste was
definitely very strange and plasticky. He told me to hold the smoke in for a bit longer. Exhale.

I had just started to think about when the effects were going to kick in and somewhere in between the middle of that thought and the look in his eyes, I felt it. I felt it hard and strong, yet very beautiful, calming, elating. He was playing my favorite music on his computer. I felt low vibration energies around me, it was a feeling so strong that it almost freaked me a little, but not for long.

I just let myself lay on his bed, he got closer to me, he just held me. I felt the indescribable, I felt a feeling so strong that simply words don't suffice. It was orgasmic, like my body was a lost piece of heaven floating in the sky, it felt warm. It was some kind of ecstasy I had ever felt before. I felt like I did not have enough strength to move my arms or talk. I felt the pleasure running through my veins, through my whole body. I felt light as a cloud. I just wanted him close to me, I felt like if he left I would be very scared. I just blurted out these words: 'Don't leave me, just stay here.'

He kissed my face and said that he won't. In that moment I felt an incredible surge of love taking over me. I felt like I was dead and alive at the same time and the only thing that existed in the world was me and him and that moment. I just closed my eyes and let the force of DMT consume my soul. Minutes must have passed, for I was very slowly coming back down to the real world. It was as if I was a magical bird, flying towards the Earth from another universe. I could still feel the love around me. He still had his arms around me. I did not see any hallucinations, maybe because my hit was not big enough? But it was the most wonderful experience of my life.

I will never forget that night.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102539
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 18, 2019Views: 838
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