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Lazy and Passionate
Morning Glory
Citation:   Inhuman. "Lazy and Passionate: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp102573)". May 22, 2020.

150 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Context: I have a hearty past with many different substances and I am very in touch with myself, and my body. I have done LSD many times. I SWED. Bought these seeds at some normal store with a gardening department.

My friend, J, and I took them from 915-945. he took 100 I took 150. Took forever to chew up (and tasted bad) so we used a pepper grinder and mixed the dust in with water and drank it for the second half of our doses.

Approximately one hour later, we started to feel the mild effects. I would compare this strength to half a tab of lsd (although that is a greatly imperfect method of comparing dose, of course). Our conversations were constantly intriguing and new-feeling, comparable to coming down off a solid acid high. I have lights in my bedroom which can change color constantly, and while we were talking I noticed I was staring at them for at least 30 minutes without losing interest. Normally I look at them for 30 seconds or less before losing interest. Certainly evidence of a psychedelic influencing my mind.

It was a slow-burning high. I estimate that taking 300 would have been a solid, welcomed, kick in the face as far as strength. There was no tightly concentrated 'peak'. It was a gradual come-up and comedown. Marijuana's effect on myself and my friend J seemed to be amplified by the LSA when we smoked up later in the night. Shortly after, I was as if the weed-high converted itself into more lsa-high, making me feel strongly the effects of the lsa and less the effects of the marijuana.

Overall it was an enjoyable experience and I will do it again. It felt comparable to acid, but instead of making me think in a way that is more multi-faceted and profound than normal, it had more of an undiscribable quality (in addition to the mutual aspect of the feeling between this and lsd), which was neither good or bad. J and I agreed that 'passionate and lazy' is an excellent way to explain the feeling. After I had almost completely came down I had some moderate stomach pains for about 1/2 hr. by about 430am we were readying to sleep. Next time I will take 300.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102573
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 22, 2020Views: 611
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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