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Trapped Inside My Own Mind
Citation:   Logulm. "Trapped Inside My Own Mind: An Experience with DOM (exp102614)". Dec 13, 2021.

15 mg oral DOM (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I had it decided. I was going to take 15mg of DOM. I had taken this dosage before but with tolerance of only a few days and again the day after. I tripped but it was nowhere near this experience. I've done DOM about 10 times now and while I couldn't classify this experience as a 'bad trip' it was probably one of the most unpleasant I've had with DOM.

Setting: Me and a friend had the house to ourselves. Or so we thought. We were stationed upstairs and each had a bed/couch to ourselves.

My friend had taken 10mg and I had taken 15mg. About 10 or so minutes after I had dropped the tab in my mouth, surprise, another person who was living there for a time decided to drop by. My friend knew her and she didn't know he did drugs, it was my first time meeting her. We scrambled to hide our pipes and the pile of weed on the table (haphazardly might I say, we just put a plate over it). She came in and started talking, as I had a tab in my mouth I tried to speak as little as possible. My friend swallowed his to speak to her. She took a little while to get her things and leave. She stayed a bit downstairs (thank god) and later went to dinner or some other thing I can't recall. She would come back afterwards.


At this point we had just both taken a high dose of psychedelics and we now had somebody we had to hide tripping around
we had just both taken a high dose of psychedelics and we now had somebody we had to hide tripping around
. Granted, she would be out of the way but just having somebody like that in the house can put a big damper on the trip, and it did. We smoked some weed when she left to try and rest our minds and we put on some movies and just chatted and smoked cigarettes shit as we came up.

It's been a few hours now, and we're probably at the 5 hour mark which I consider to be peak/near peak. We were both immobilized at this point. Stuck within our own heads, unable to communicate. It's not bad at this point until SHE comes back. There's something I should say about HER. She's a very high energy person. Zipping around the room, talking to herself, I could hardly make sense of what she was saying. I'd get some words but I couldn't keep track of sentences. I wasn't sure if she was really there or not or if I was in some sort of dream. I felt like as she walked across the room I couldn't keep track of her, she seemed to be in fast forward. She goes back downstairs and me and my friend are just chilling again, but this time with an 'authority figure' in the house. This is where things went south very fast.

The movie quickly became far too intense, it was too much stimulation. My friend said he was going to bed and left to go to another room. I turned off the television and tried to sleep. Tossing and turning all night. All goddamned night. There was no comfortable position, there was no leaving upstairs to go wander downstairs, there was no solace from this internal torture. I could not stay still. My friend was having his own internal war in the other room, he later told me he felt like his bed was made of sand and that he was sinking into it. I kept thinking of my own life. DOM has a way that makes me somewhat removed from myself but still aware, it's very cold and calculative emotionally.
DOM has a way that makes me somewhat removed from myself but still aware, it's very cold and calculative emotionally.
I was tearing apart aspects of my life, of my personality. It was a very critical, harsh sort of reflection and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm sure a walk or maybe a trip to go watch the fish downstairs would have helped tremendously. But I wasn't in a position to do these things. If I had some sort of benzo, it would have worked wonders I bet.

I tried everything to try and better my mental situation. I looked out the window, went to the bathroom, messed with the lights, tried to go to sleep at least 10 times, went to the other side of the room. Nothing seemed to help me at all so I decided to try and smoke some marijuana despite the downstairs entity who was at this point surely passed out. The marijuana didn't do anything, so I smoked a cigarette, which didn't do anything either.

So I went back to thinking. Everything seemed negative now. There wasn't one positive thing in my life that I could think of, everything had some sort of downside. And then the morning came. I was doing better by this point but still well tripping. SHE came back upstairs to get some stuff then went to work. I didn't say a word to her since she caught me with the tab in my mouth and I was worried I was looking suspicious. Nothing ever came of those concerns though. Which I'm glad of.

She leaves and my friend comes into the room some time later. He had apparently managed to fall asleep, forced himself into it. We smoked some weed and talked about our trips and agreed that the only reason they were so uncomfortable was because of HER.

This trip served as a warning to me and I hope it'll serve as a warning to others. Set and setting is very key to tripping. I'll never make this mistake again.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102614
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 13, 2021Views: 1,236
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DOM (20) : Difficult Experiences (5), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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