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Incredibly Itchy and Zero Euphoria
Oxycodone & Loperamide
Citation:   Inevitable014. "Incredibly Itchy and Zero Euphoria: An Experience with Oxycodone & Loperamide (exp102655)". May 4, 2016.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral Loperamide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 40 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
Oxycodone and High Dose Loperamide

I was curious to see if Loperamide could potentiate oxycodone. At approx 10 am ingested 60mg Loperamide orally.

12pm insufflated 40mg oxycodone.
12:30 pm- had a very decent drip and can feel the oxycodone setting in, no euphoria yet
12:45 pm- body feels relaxed but still no euphoria, stomach a bit crampy
1:00 pm- feeling even more relaxed but still no euphoria, starting to get worried it won't come, the loperamide seems to be making my stomach ache.
1:15 pm- body feels great and am experiencing drowsiness, however still no euphoria and my stomach is slightly better after a glass of milk.
1:30 pm- same as 15 mins ago however getting anxiety over no euphoria and wondering if the loperamide ruined my high. Heart rate increased and sweaty palms, need a cigarette. 2:00 pm- still a bit anxious but have accepted the loperamide must have somehow nulled the euphoria.
2:00 pm- still a bit anxious but have accepted the loperamide must have somehow nulled the euphoria.

2:30 pm- pretty drowsy as I type this, zero euphoria. Damn. Have also gotten incredibly itchy which doesn't usually happen.
3:00 pm- still tired and very itchy, body is numb barely notice my limbs exist lol, wont sleep until after the 4-6 hour mark to be safe.
4:00 pm- itch itch itch! Seemed to have gotten alot more alert, my eyes aren't shutting while typing. Body still feels very nice and I'm enjoying its always sunny on t.v.
5:00 pm- still itchy and numb both physically and emotionally (helps after getting dumped). At this point I've concluded Loperamide did NOT potentiate this experience. I'm fairly certain it is responsible for my lack of a rush from insufflation. Not to mention I will most deff be constipated, took a stool softener to be safe. Anyway hopefully someone finds this useful. Very disappointed with these results.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102655
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 4, 2016Views: 5,976
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Loperamide (459), Oxycodone (176) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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