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Simply a Buzz
Citation:   Empathess. "Simply a Buzz: An Experience with bk-MDDMA (exp102844)". Jul 11, 2019.

T+ 0:00
400 mg oral bk-MDDMA (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 600 mg oral bk-MDDMA (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 400 mg oral bk-MDDMA (capsule)
Well, there's not much on this chemical so I thought I'd write a report after trying what's commonly referred to as methylone replacement (due to recent ban), dimethylone (BK-MDDMA).

Setting: Night out in the Jacuzzi with friends. Haven't ate for 4 hours. A little tired, but in the mood to feel good for sure.

I made 200mg capsules of this stuff as I knew it would take more than methylone's already hefty dosage.

I start the night with 2 capsules just before walking to the Jacuzzi. Forgot about it, was in the Jacuzzi for an hour and a half, got out and felt nothing at all.

Went back to a friends apartment maybe 30 minutes after getting out of the jacuzzi and proceeded to do 3 more capsules. About 30 mins into the 3 capsules, I felt a slight buzz. Blasting some trance through my speakers definitely had me feeling like a good alcohol buzz. This lasts for all but 15 minutes until I start drifting back to a normal state of mind.
This lasts for all but 15 minutes until I start drifting back to a normal state of mind.
My friends, who also took the same amount are feeling a little more however I have much more experience with rolls. Still nothing to be impressed over, maybe a 20 minute longer lasting buzz.

I wait a few hours then dose 2 more capsules. At this point I was just more tired and if I was feeling anything it was overbeared by general exhaustion.

All in all it took a gram to make me feel a light buzz for all but maybe 20 minutes. Big super letdown.

I noticed acid-like aches in my neck and shoulders. Not as strong but definitely present. Had a hard time falling to sleep.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102844
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 11, 2019Views: 892
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bk-MDDMA (625) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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