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Beautiful Universe
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   knowledgeseeker. "Beautiful Universe: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp102852)". May 24, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 8:00 6 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
This was my second time using mescaline. My previous drug use included heavy cannabis use, 25i-nbome, ecstasy, and opiates (Vicodin, codeine, etc.). The night before my trip, me and my friends cooked approximately two feet of frozen san pedro cactus. This cook was very rushed and quite sloppy. I ended up being the one that was given possession of the final brew and me and my friends planned to meet up the next day.

I woke up around 11 am and decided it would be a good idea to drink my dose right when I awoke in order to experience the trip by myself for a while. I had never tripped alone, except for the end of my trips where I would return to my house.

It was around 12 o’clock when I drank the disgusting brew and the nausea set in right away. I made sure to hold down my dose for at least an hour, then the purge came. I vomited quite vigorously, but after I vomited, the nausea settled and I felt quite comfortable.

T+1 hour: After vomiting, I went to my balcony to smoke a cigarette. On my balcony, I started feeling different. My body started feeling mushy, and I was getting light tracers on my cigarette. I decided to take a shower. In the shower, I put on some dubstep. As I got in the shower, I decided to sit down and watch the water fall down towards me. Each droplet made a trace on its way down and the water felt very different, almost thicker. After I got out of the shower, I decided to meet up with my friend.

T+1.5 hours: I skated over to my friends house, which was around a 10 minute skate. Skating was beautiful, I was able to see my past and future trail as I went. Every movement seemed to flow. I met up with my friend and went walking to a place we frequently smoke cannabis at. I put in headphones and started to skate very erratically. I fell, however the fall seemed to be part of my riding, I simply rolled and picked up my board in a flowing motion, then kept skating. I did not feel any pain even though my knees were badly scraped. We got to the spot, but my friend wanted to smoke at another spot that I was very scared about going to. The spot he wanted to go to was a large hill that was someone else’s property. The reason I was paranoid was because there were packs of dogs roaming around, protecting their territory. So we went (against my will). We smoked a couple joints, however, I was unable to relax because I was so scared about the dogs. My friend gave me headphones and told me to put them in and trust he will take care of whatever arose. I put in the headphones and was able to start to relax.

T+2 hours

We were done smoking the joints and decided to go meet up with our other friends, so we left the hill. As we were leaving, I could tell I was peaking very hard. The entire atmosphere seemed to be water and I felt as if I was “swimming”. Every fly or bug that came into my vision left a large black trace with white and black patterns in it. We met up with our friends, and by that time I was in an entire different realm. Nothing seemed real. As we were walking, my friends all had a layer of black surrounding them, making them look like they were part of a poorly photoshopped picture. We returned to the spot we were at before, but this time I was not nearly as paranoid due to the fact that we were a larger group. We climbed the hill a little bit, smoked a joint, and my friends drank their dose of cactus brew. As we left the hill to go to a trail/park to go and trip out, my friends started coming up.

T+3 hours: We went to this trail to go smoke some more cannabis. We walked along the trail at a very slow pace, stopping and examining everything as we went. Every plant or natural being contained geometrical patterns, and the tracers intensified even more. We smoked some cannabis then listened to music. As we started our walk back, me and my friend (we’ll call him C) were taking our time absorbing the nature and beauty that surrounded us. C’s girlfriend was annoyed that we were taking to long and left by herself. This was her first time tripping so, naturally, C got very worried. C freaked out a little and went to go find his girlfriend. I walked with my other friend (who wasn’t tripping) and accompanied him home. After he left, I was alone and went to go find M and C. We all found each other within a couple minutes and it was a joyous reunion. We then went to go smoke more cannabis.

T+8 hours: We had been smoking cannabis and talking about life when we decided to redose the cactus. I had still not come down from the peak. We redosed while sitting next to a river, then went to a friends house who was having a kick back.

T+9 hours: The redose had made me nauseous and I thought I was going to puke so I went to the bathroom. My nausea had turned into a need to poop, so I sat down on the toilet and waited. It seemed impossible to perform any bodily functions. As I sat there, the pattern on the bathroom wall started morphing and dancing around. I went back outside and it all the stars were out. This is where the trip took a turn. I walked into the middle of my friends backyard, and it seemed as if the entire world was falling apart. The sky was melting and I felt like nothing was real. My friend had a joint back at his house and he told me if I came with him, we could smoke it together. So I went.

T+10 hours: I was waiting outside for my friend to get the joint. Meanwhile, the earth was still falling apart from my perspective. The road was waving, and everything seemed to be morphing. I sat down and petted my friends dog, which calmed me down quite a bit. We smoked the joint and returned to the kick back.

T+11 hours: Me, M, and C were sitting on a bench at my friends house, staring at a brick ceiling. We stared at the ceiling as it morphed and expanded. To me, it seemed as if the ceiling was a large hole into a different dimension.

T+12 hours: M and C wanted to go trip out away from all the drunk people that were at the kick back, so we went into my friends bedroom and smoked a joint. In the room, all the walls became morphing patterns. This is where I started to see “the eye”. What I saw was a reflection of my eye, with a very large pupil. This visual persisted throughout the rest of the trip, even when I closed my eyes.

T+15 hours: M wanted to leave the kickback, so M, C, and I went to C’s house. We smoked another joint in his room and M passed out. C and I stayed up talking about life and our existence. I was still tripping extremely hard.

T+18 hours: I decide to go to bed. I went into the dark guest room and layed in the bed. I could not fall asleep, not because I wasn’t tired, but because I could not stop seeing this eye. I finally got to sleep after trying for a couple hours.

T+22 hours: I woke up the next day with a very prevalent afterglow. I still saw tracers on everything, and the eye.

This trip was very beneficial for me. I was able to reflect on my life and my choices while being with some of my best friends. This trip taught me that there is so much more to life than what you can see.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 102852
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2022Views: 542
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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