I Would Take My Highest Dose
by Yoel
Citation:   Yoel. "I Would Take My Highest Dose: An Experience with LSD (exp102881)". Erowid.org. Jun 4, 2021. erowid.org/exp/102881

2.25 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
An Awsome Trip

I did LSD a few times before, and last summer I decided that I would do a little experiment and take my highest dose yet. I wanted to check out what this sometimes weird and strange stuff would do when I took it up a notch. And boy, was I in for a party...

My experiences on acid were all on psytrance festivals, a hippy subculture way of partying with awesome progressive psytrance and superb chillout music. I dunno, I just love the atmosphere at those parties, and after being introduced to it about eight years ago I stopped going to all electonic music festivals except psytrance festivals. I go to about two/three of those a year.

Last summer I went to S.U.N. festival in Hungary. It was the first time this festival was organised, and I was excited to be part of it. Since all my friends were unable to go I went there alone, which was nice because I had never done that before. A little bit worried that I would be by myself for the next ten days, I went over there four days early, had an easy plain-train-hitchhike journey and immediately fell into a group of about ten people who'd also come early. I stayed and camped with them whole festival. They were very, very nice people, and although I know I will likely never meet most of them again, I am glad I did meet them there. We had a nice and cosy camp in the forest, cooked dinner at our campfire and generally had a lot of fun, good talks and chillum sessions. The festival site was great, with a lot of nature and just the right amount of added decoration. The people (and I met a LOT of people in those few days) were all very nice and friendly. The dancefloor at the festival was amazing too, although I found the music a bit dissapointing, until that Saturday evening that I will never forget.

I had done LSD three days before at the first day of the festival, starting cautious with just three quarters of a tab. It was nice, a feeling I'd had before, added visuals that were beautiful but not too distracting, and I was glad it was not too intense.

But this night I was going to go all in. I took two whole and one quarter of a tab, and my oh my, that was awesome! I remember hitting the dancefloor with some of my new friends and just dancing perfectly, with perfect control over my entire body, not tiring at all, and enjoying it immensely. I was literally jumping all over the dancefloor for more than an hour without ever bumping in to someone. The energy I felt in my body was just amazing. I was aware of the fact that my senses were being influenced by the acid, with the music sounding more intense than normal and the lights and people almost radiating with light around me.

After a while I started thinking that all that intense dancing couldn't be good in the long run and I decided to go for a walk and get some food or a drink. I just went on a stroll around the festival site, enjoying the people and atmosphere. I got to the chillout dancefloor and was immediately in awe of the performance of the people on stage. The band playing (I later learned) was Ancient Core, and though I had never heard their music I was immediately entranced by it. I remember dancing right in front of the small dancefloor, enjoying the fantastic tribalistic psychedelic music that those four people on stage were producing. The guys on stage were visibly having a good time too, the were connected to each other and sending out very good vibes. I closed my eyes while dancing and automatically started to visualise the most intense forms and movements, kinda abstract, like an Escher painting of arrows that locked into each other and pulsated in sync with the bassline of the music. It was beautiful, the forms and movements kept on changing and evolving. I think I danced like that for a couple of tracks, enjoying it immensely, when suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder by a couple of friends of mine that were also on the festival. I remember talking to them and one of them being so funny somehow that in a minute we were literally rolling on the floor laughing. I remember having a lot of fun with these guys the rest of the night, although the middle part of the night is a little vague to be honest.

When the sun started to rise the next day I was on the main floor when I suddenly saw all the people around me transform into almost monsters. I wasn't scared but remember it feeling not so good after a while
I suddenly saw all the people around me transform into almost monsters. I wasn't scared but remember it feeling not so good after a while
, so I left to just stroll around and enjoying the fantastic visual 'enhancements' this drug brought to everything I saw, except the people, people looked strange to me, almost animal like. I think it was around 10am when I started feeling tired, and went back to our little camp to find a friend sitting at the campfire. I talked to him for a while, fell asleep and when I woke a couple of hours later the visual side of the effects was totally gone. I still felt some effects of it in my head but they were mild. All in all the experience was very intense, at times amazing and at times uncomfortable, though I was never scared.

The next day I ran into the guys from the band I saw playing in my trip, Ancient Core, so I told them about my experience at their gig and they gave me one of their demo CDs, which I kinda wondered about if it would still sound as amazing or that maybe part of it was caused by the acid. (Luckily I found out when I was home their music just IS amazing, whether or not I'm on something while listening to it:) I remember needing a couple of days to just process what had happened in the acid trip. It was nice to wind down for a couple of days after the festival before going home.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102881
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Jun 4, 2021Views: 488
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LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4)

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