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Waves of Tranquility
Citation:   Gazda. "Waves of Tranquility: An Experience with Kratom (exp102995)". Oct 26, 2020.

T+ 0:00
2 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:00 2 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:30 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I always wanted to try Kratom as a legal substitute for opiates which are hard to get for me and I am afraid of addiction. That is the reason why I ordered ten grams of Maeng Da powdered leaf Kratom.
I am afraid of addiction. That is the reason why I ordered ten grams of Maeng Da powdered leaf Kratom.
This report is based on my little trial with this substance in order to know if I am not allergic or if it wont make me nauseous. With Kratom the trouble is no one would recommend me my ideal first dose so I managed to ingest two grams, diluted in orange juice.

I must say I am very impressed with pleasurable odor of this herb. Reminds me of green tea a bit. The taste is not such wonderful but its nothing horrible. I am always bit nervous on the start of an experience with a new drug and this was not an exception. Except that after ~15 minutes I felt just amazing. Tired, but in a good way. I just wrapped my arms behind my head and closed my eyes and felt that nothing bothers me no more.

I started writing this report at T+0,35 and found it quite hard to type, but my mind feels very clear and I really enjoy this type of buzz. As ex-user of marijuana (heavy) I am always worried about possible anxiety induced by the substance which is the reason I quit with weed.

At ca. 0,45 I feel slight waves of tingling and warm sensation in my knees and legs and sometimes my muscless feel stiff in a good way. The body high is not very different from some light indica strain but spiritually it feels very different. Everything seems to be just alright in this world.

Next week I will have an interview for my possible PhD studies in a foreign country and now I feel very confident about myself...even if I dont know if I am really that rational at the moment. At 0,50 I feel the tingling and stiff sensation also in my fingers, but I feel really focused on this report. Now I feel confident enough to try some more so its 0,55 and I am redosing two more grams, resulting in four grams of Maeng Da total.

At 1,05 I really feel the potentiation of the effects but all in all the experience is not overwhelming. Although I am not sure what to expect, never tried opiates. If I compare it to my first plateau DXM trip a month ago, this experience is quite subtle although I really enjoy the body buzz and positive thoughts racing through my mind. A while ago I went to the bathroom and had no problems with urinating. My pupils are somewhat constricted and I dont feel the slightest hint of stimulation as some reviewers state in their reports. This substance makes me a happy vegetable. Tomorrow I plan some fun in the city and I think I will dose six grams to make it more pronounced and euphoric. To this point I dont feel the slightest bit of nausea. I felt also quite sick at the start of this experience (sore throat) but the painkiling effects of Kratom are potent now. After a cigarette I feel like nodding a bit and writing this report is distracting me from the buzz. My body feels warm and relaxed roughly 30 minutes after redosing.

At 2,00 I feel quite dull and stoned. It is not unpleasant but I feel very slow and unclever :D Now I think that important in this experience might be also the social aspect as I try this alone in my house and its just not much fun because I feel lazy to do and think of anything. Nothing that great. But also I think I missed some rush on the beginning, the onset was really slow and there seems to be no real peak in this experience. It just grabbed me and then the experience is really not that much changing.

But the beginning was really nice and I cant wait for tomorrow to find out what would it be like when someone ingest larger amount alltogether. Now I am going to sleep at 2,30.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 26, 2020Views: 1,090
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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