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Everything Took on a Roboty Look
DMT & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   wahlooh. "Everything Took on a Roboty Look: An Experience with DMT & Nitrous Oxide (exp103033)". Jun 10, 2021.

36 - 37 mg vaporized DMT
  1 hit inhaled Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous DMT Oh My

I had taken a few hits of DMT off of a oil rig (titanium nail) but nothing too serious I was aware of the strength of DMT and wanted to be cautious. A few days later I was in the car with my friend sitting in his driveway. I had lots of nitrous oxide to enjoy and when taken in conjunction with psychedelics it enhances the hallucinogenic effects. So we did a little DMT.

The first time I took a hit it felt as if I was in a strange robot. Everything took on a roboty look it was quite cool. I then decided to use my scale to get the most accurate doses possible, I weighed out 36/37mg and vaped it. There was like no warning immediately colors fantastic colors exploded out, there was a wild amazing scenario around me. The chap in the back seat had four heads rotating around his normal head, I cant even remember what my friend in the front seat looked like. But the car took on the most amazing sheen I've ever seen. Freakin fractal patterns of the wildest colors took over the entire inside of the car, I felt like I was in a infinitely large space. These fractal patterns seemed to go on away from me forever it was amazing. I could barely talk and I remember they took the piece from me because I was waving it around and would of probably broken it. I couldn’t talk normally and I had a huge smile on my face. It was by far the farthest I've ever gone on any psychedelics.

This lasted a few minutes and soon gave way me feeling quite sober but still having MASSIVE HALLUCINATIONS. Patterns, liquid edges all that stuff it was ridiculous I was like able to talk and describe what had just happened but I was still so high on it. I took a hit of nitrous and these hallucinations reached a serious intensity, for the next about 15 minutes I was still blasted off it. My friend instantly before I was down said “give me what you just took”. Right after this I gave my friend in the drivers seat a dose of 39/40 and he became extremely terrified. He told me afterwards that I looked like an umpalompa and behind me was a crazy willy wonka and the chocolate factory scene. His motor skills/ language skills were more impaired than mine and I don’t think he was prepared for such an intense experience. I felt bad because I did give him slightly more than I had myself and he was really out there. Needless to say he did not do anymore but later said that it was still amazing and he doesn’t regret it but will probably not be doing DMT again.

As a quick aside the next day I did 2 hits of LSD and just as the hallucinations were starting from that I vaped 22mg of DMT and had a very hallucinatory experience, again accompanied by nitrous. Flowing patterns from the floor to the ceiling and everything took on that familiar roboty look to it!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103033
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 509
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DMT (18) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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