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Never Ending Trip With HPPD
DXM with Guaifenesin
by Amy
Citation:   Amy. "Never Ending Trip With HPPD: An Experience with DXM with Guaifenesin (exp103038)". Jul 9, 2019.

360 - 780 mg oral DXM
Reading about dextromethorphan made me curious on the hallucinogenic effects on abusing it. I figured on taking mucinex dm [30 mg DXM & 600 mg guaifenesin per tablet] was the safest way on getting my high. Started with about 360mg with my friend, came home couple hours later and the effects hit me. Music sounded great. My movements were different, like I feel different. This was a good start up dose. Next day I do one more tablet. Then I would switch it to every other day, because everyday I would feel my body build tolerance. The 'robo-trips' were great when I walked around. One day I was tripping while taking a shower, and when I was closing my eyes I was still. I was so relaxed I thought I was going to faint so I shut off the shower. This goes on for two weeks then my ending dose was about 780mg.

Ever since then I haven't been the same o' Amy with HPPD. I would have double vision coming from dark lighting to bright. At night, lights seem to have ray and sometimes auras. Shadows have grainy look. In the morning I wake up and the room and objects look like they are changing shapes. I see floaters and blue sky sprites in the sky. Light follows when I move my eyes.

These symptoms are everyday. There is no end and I have no idea when I will. I know brain cells grow very slowly, but I don't know if I'll be around to be back to myself again.

[Reported Dose: "Every other day for 2 weeks"]

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103038
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 1,510
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DXM (22) : Unknown Context (20), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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