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An Odd Test That Turned Out Beautiful
LSD & 2C-P
Citation:   ESLinch. "An Odd Test That Turned Out Beautiful: An Experience with LSD & 2C-P (exp103101)". Erowid.org. Apr 9, 2018. erowid.org/exp/103101

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  23.2 mg   2C-P (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Today started out me myself and I then me and my friend and friend gave me a tab, was grateful :) (grateful LSD-25)

And then day goes on. Hour or so I take the blotter hit, a few hours later higher then fk alone masterbating, no ideal how this,
came up but I've had been thinking of plugging such a substance. Trip way harder and no stomach to puke up shit. The 2c- are known for that in my body :p

So I had laid out a cleaned sterile vial in 95% iso. I then put the doper a little bit in the tip of my dick then proceeded to drip a little at a time till I worked my way up to about 23.2 mg I had 2c-p at 1ml = 11.6 mg and I dripped 2 ml in and then flex it a little to rush some blood around it

Within about 10 mins I started to feel warm and fuzzy, after about 20 I was in a full trip peaked, I could not see past the hulicinations at the 25 min mark. For a second I was concerned if I was going to die or not. Then I thought well I didnt take a lot it just hit hard and fast u kno. There were amazing beautiful patterns lots of geometric stuff was quite thrilling. The popcorn roof was making firey anarchy symbols and whatnot. I turned on the projector in my room and played some music and stuff was quite beautiful.

Sat around making plans for a company I had great ideals I might continue with or might just dump it not sure we'll see how it goes. Was smoking and playing music all night I sat around tripping in my room till about 7 am then went to go dig up food then I took a sleeping pill and crashed around 8. Slept for 28 hr after this but was well worth it.

I feel 2c-p had a secret message for me last time I did it but it didnt show itself this time it did we bonded in a way I never could have thought. I defiantly will be trying this again altho when I went to piss in the middle of the night it burned like hell. today I peed and everything was aye okay :)

I only did this to see the rush of injecting 2c-p but I am horribly terrified of needles so that was outa the question.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103101
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 9, 2018Views: 1,633
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