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I'm Not in Love With It
Citation:   Test Subject 69. "I'm Not in Love With It: An Experience with Phenibut (exp103104)". Erowid.org. Nov 24, 2020. erowid.org/exp/103104

1.5 - 2 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
Experience Neutral

I read a bit about Phenibut's anxiolytic and possible cognitive enhancing effects, so I bought 100 grams in powder form and had it delivered to my house. This is the log of my first two experiences as I experimented with doses.

11:56 am. ~500 mg mixed with orange juice, could barely taste it.

12:56 pm. No effects yet, will re-dose in one hour if the same.

1:36 pm. Re-dosing now, another ~500 mg with orange juice.

3:30 pm. Nothing euphoric, 'drunkish,' or out-of-the-ordinary, but there is a subtle feeling that everything is okay. I repeat, quite subtle, but still there. Next time I decide to take Phenibut I think I'll take two grams at once. Hints of extra energy.

3:56 pm. Last re-dose for the day, ~500 mg with more orange juice.

4:15 pm. First social interaction. A friend came over and we went to the store. Inhibitions were lessened, I was talking to strangers with ease, but there was no boosted effect on mental clarity, which I was really hoping for.
Inhibitions were lessened, I was talking to strangers with ease, but there was no boosted effect on mental clarity, which I was really hoping for.

Physically it feels like I've had a couple beers--limbs a little heavy and some slowed reflexes.

5:15 pm. Back at home, laying on couch, relaxed and sleepy.

7:30 pm. Went next door to the neighbors, feeling good. Had a beer, a bud light, which affected me perhaps as much as drinking three normally would have.

That night I got a good, deep sleep, and was tired the next morning. There was a little afterglow in the morning.

I waited two days before taking Phenibut again.

1:15 pm. Mixed two grams of the Phenibut powder with water, which tasted horrible. This was after a failed attempt at drinking the powder mixed with coffee which was absolutely disgusting, and had to be thrown away. This stuff makes me gag.

3:00 pm. Vision is a little impaired. Just slowed recognition of things.

4:15 pm. Notice a bit of a headache.

6:30 pm. Fell asleep. Phenibut will definitely have that effect if nothing is keeping me occupied.

7:45 pm. Talking to a girl on Tinder who I met yesterday, and I asked her on a date for that evening really smooth-like. Probably not something I would normally do. This drug seems to have the most effect when in contact with other people. When alone it doesn't seem to do much.

I bought 100 grams because it was relatively inexpensive, and I'll use it whenever I feel like it, but I'm not in love with it and I probably won't order it again.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103104
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 24, 2020Views: 3,171
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Various (28)

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