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White Diamond Spirits
Blue Lotus
Citation:   Troy_Walker. "White Diamond Spirits: An Experience with Blue Lotus (exp103123)". Apr 16, 2014.

  oral Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tincture)
Suggested title: Psychic awareness
Author name: Troy Walker
Substance name: Blue Lotus
Dose: 3-4 times daily
Body weight: 180 lbs
Gender: Male
Experience year: 2013
Age of experience: 24

I used to use blue lotus tincture frequently. I started using back in early 2013 cause I read it relieves anxiety and wanted something to help me relax. The first time I used it I put 10 droppers full in my mouth for about 20 seconds then swallowed slowly. I didn't notice much the first time I used it besides feeling slightly relaxed.

I kept using the same dose everyday and within a month I noticed little tiny white lights with pairs of eyes everywhere and black and white humanoid looking spirits started appearing. The longer I used the blue lotus tincture the more vivid and clear the little tiny white lights with pairs of eyes and black and white humanoid looking spirits would be. The black and white humanoid looking spirits did not scare me until I started hearing them speak. It's hard to explain but their voices were like human voices but you could not hear them like human voices. Their voices seemed to go straight into my head like they were being channeled.

I could tell what direction the voices were coming from even without seeing them. The more blue lotus tincture I would use and the longer I was using it the easier it was to see and hear the black and white humanoid looking spirits. In fact after long term use of blue lotus tincture I could now see the black and white humanoid spirits though walls no matter what direction I was looking.

Then after a few months I would hear banging on closet doors, banging on my bathtub and banging on my walls. Usually it was one bang but sometimes it would be 3 bangs in a row. The black humanoid looking spirits also started shooting this strange electrical energy at me now. At this point I started getting worried cause I felt like I was being attacked by getting this weird electrical energy shot into my body. I can't put into words how it feels to have this strange electrical energy shot into my body but they use various strengths. The white humanoid looking spirits never shot strange electrical energy at me but I didn't trust them either.

By this point I find it hard to sleep at night cause when I go to bed all I hear is voices coming from all directions. I also see the black and white humanoid looking spirits through walls even with my eyes closed no matter what direction I face in bed. The only time I am at peace is when I am sleeping but even my dreams are becoming too real. So I decided to stop using the blue lotus tincture cause it opened the door to nothing but trouble.

It took awhile to stop seeing and hearing the black and white humanoid looking spirits but to this day I still see the little tiny white lights and pairs of eyes everywhere. I don't know what those black and white humanoid looking spirits are but I hope I never see or hear them again. I just want to live a normal life after that experience.


The effects never went away until I stopped using blue lotus completely. When I was using it I could communicate with black and white humanoid looking spirits even if I took breaks from using blue lotus for weeks. After I stopped using blue lotus I could see and hear the black and white humanoid looking spirits for a couple months. But to this day I still see little tiny white lights with pairs of eyes especially in pitch black dark rooms so I always leave the lights on. And every now and then something hits the walls but not nearly as hard or as frequently as it was when I was using the blue lotus. I never even knew blue lotus opened the third eye until I started using for awhile and then I knew there was something strange about the blue lotus. Also months after I stopped using blue lotus I found a site on the internet called that verified to myself that it opens the third eye. They call themselves the priesthood of nefertem and apparently have blue lotus ceremonies. I am just wondering how long they will last till they realize nothing good is going to happen using blue lotus. Thanks

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 103123
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 16, 2014Views: 13,576
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Bad Trips (6), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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