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It Was Just Kind of a Tease
Citation:   Long-awaiting. "It Was Just Kind of a Tease: An Experience with DMT (exp103215)". Apr 4, 2019.

  repeated smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Long-Awaited DMT Experience

I have been wanting to try DMT for quite a long time. I’ve enjoyed taking hallucinogens from an early age (LSD was the first drug I ever tried at 14). Though I could hardly be considered a heavy drug user of any kind, I am a relatively experienced “Kosmonaut” when it comes to LSD, shrooms etc (approximately 15 LSD trips, 5 shrooming). So, after reading essays by Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna and others about the amazing power of DMT, the so-called “spirit molecule,” I naturally awaited my first DMT experience with excitement and enthusiasm.

I was let down. I first did a small experimental dose, then worked my way up with larger doses and deeper hits over about an hour period. I definitely tripped, but 200 mg was hardly what I would call a big/strong dose in my particular experience.

The most positive thing I can say about DMT is this: The visuals were super cool, more immersive/total and unique (lots of morphing and breathing geometrics laced with shooting stars when my eyes were closed and, when eyes open, a grove of pine trees outside my window was breathing/undulating/growing in a most entrancing and otherworldly manner) than those I’ve experienced on either LSD or Shrooms. It is hard to articulate why these powerful visuals were especially unique to DMT (b/c breathing geometrics is pretty standard etc), but you’ll just have to trust me that they were particular to this substance alone.

But here’s the thing .... DMT is like the crack cocaine of hallucinogens. The effects are so short-lived that just as I would be peaking and settling down into this alternate universe, I would immediately start drifting (albeit pleasantly) back down to earth. I would say that the biggest hit I took, which was the last I had left, about 80 mg, produced an intense 2 minute peak and a pretty solid 5 minutes of less intense high. Again, awesome freaking visuals and generally heightened senses and a very decent body high, but it was just ... kind of a tease.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve long given up LSD and its marathon 13 hour trips and much prefer a shorter half life in my hallucinogens ... But I expected (from the literature I read) to have a 20-40 minute continuous and intense experience from 200 mg. This just wasn’t the case. The high was almost exactly as long and intense as a crack cocaine high (which if you haven’t done.. is about 90-120 sec followed by a residual 4-6 minutes of medium intoxication).

Disclaimer: this lackluster first experience could easily have been my fault for a variety of reasons. In hindsight, I would have used a glass pipe/chaley instead of a glass bong packed with the powder and a small amount of tobacco, and I would have loaded the full 200 mg dose and done it all at once in one, big, hairy monster hit, or if one-hit not possible lung wise-- for this shit has a pretty nasty chemical taste-- then in two successive big hits. For that matter, I would have probably procured twice as much powder in the first place and started with a 200 mg bolus and then titrated as needed with the remaining 200. Granted, I do have the sort of constitution that is very tolerant to psychoactive substances of any kind, and tend to require more of any substance to reach the same level as my buddies doing the same stuff at half the volume. So, know yourself and take these doses I’ve listed with a grain a salt if you are at all planning on using this info to plan your own first experience.

Overall, I would like to try again. But as it stands now, I would take shrooms over DMT any day both for the money/value and also the nature of the experience itself. It’s all highly personal of course.

***note: no hangover experienced with this drug, which is a major plus and also, I would mix with weed if I were to smoke from a bong again because I think that these substances would complement each other.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103215
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Apr 4, 2019Views: 601
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