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The Small Amount That Made Me High
Citation:   baggyO. "The Small Amount That Made Me High: An Experience with Hash (exp103331)". Jun 24, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis - Hash
    smoked Tobacco
I live in Himachal Pradesh a state in India. Himachal is famous for its vast culture and for its greenery. An area known as Parvati Valley consists of the most potent marijuana in India. The famous malana cream comes from this part of the world. Talking about my experience now, I'm a casual herb smoker. I smoke 4-5 times a month. And when I do, I do it in a place well confined like a friends house, like in sleepovers and stuff. But this other day as I had a cigarette lit in a soup shop where all my friends and I chill during 11 in the morning, I met an old friend like after 4 or 5 months we finished the cig quickly, and then he asked if I'm interested in buying some hash. I told him that I had only 100 rs in my pocket and explained to him that the stuff will be less if I bought it just with a hundred. But he smiled and told me that he himself had prepared the hash, and would give a good quantity of a 100. I of course gave him the money and he instantly took me to his house and gave me a hash stick (half the size of an average pencil).

His family was coming back from pilgrimage so we did not smoke there. We had no other choice than to smoke in the soup shop, so we reached the shop, bought some chips, cola, mouth freshners etc and most importantly bought a bundle of bidis they are like rolled blunts but theyre filled with tobacco, you have unroll them and fill them with hash and they act as perfect joints. So I unrolled the first bidi, while my friend crushed the hash just the size a little less than peas and gave it to me, mixed it with tobacco and filled the bidi with the mixture. I pass the rolled joint to my friend to light up but he insists me to light it.

I light it up, after 4-5 puffs I feel that the hash has some impurities in it. I pass the joint to my friend, by that time another friend joins us. I tell them that the stuff is impure and it wont get us high. But they still insist me to smoke. Okay, so after 2nd joint I begin to feel the 'buzz ' and the cotton mouth effect begins. I admit that the shit isnt that bad. Were all buzzed by now so the others they both start laughing at my dual statements. After the third joint, I ask my friends if they are high! The first one breaks out a laugh that goes on for about 10 minutes I guess, and the second friend does not respond, his eyes are shot red, mouth all open and saliva dripping out of it. As for me apparantly I have got a mellow head but still a confidence inside that I can control myself. I've had enough I tell my friends we'll met tomorrow and get up from the chair. After 5 or 6 steps I feel an extreme mellowness in my head, my legs feel as if they have lost all their power, I'm about to fall on a porch, bring my hands in front to hold the seat of the porch but SHOCKED as it appeared that my hands went through the seat probably because the porch was I guess about a foot away from where I thought it was (hallucinations). Fell straight on my face, hit my elbow hard, and for a moment it felt as if I'm asleep and everything is alright (note that there were 50-60 people on the street), it felt as if I'm in my bed, and I'm waking after a long sleep.

But then I see faces looking at me saying shit like 'youre on drugs right? ', 'get a life addict.' And I realise that I'm lying on the street side and there are people watching me. And suddenly it feels as if I'm traveling from a vortex thats bringing me from virtuality to the reality. I lie there for a 20 or 30 seconds I guess until when the owner of the soup shop comes running and whispers these words slowly in my ears 'there are people watching, if they find out that you guys do drugs in my place, I will be in trouble, so please get up and get a hold of yourself'. He helped me up, but as I moved my legs felt as if they had nothing left. He guided me through the street and made me sit down in a small parking lot behind an SUV. He asked me if I was alright then suddenly noticed that I had hit my forehead hard and it has swollen and told me with a laugh that I looked like an alien, we both laughed. Then he told me to rest there until I could walk properly. He went back to his shop because his customers were waiting.

As I sat with my head and arms resting on my knees, I went from one thought to another and stayed like that for hours until I fell asleep. I was woken by the SUV owner as he cursed me to get away from the car as he wanted to get it out. I stood up straight took out my android phone, saw that the clock had struck 3. Got freaked out by thinking that the events appeared to take turns so fast but actually they took hours. I then moved out of the parking lot, I checked my wallet to make sure I had not been robbed as I slept, but it was empty. Suddenly the events flashed back and I remembered that I had given all the money I had i.e. 100 rupees to my friend to buy hash. I felt comical, as I stood on the street alone I laughed for a minute, took a deep breath, then headed back to my house. I ate a plenty that day and it is one of the most memorable days of my life. :)

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103331
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 809
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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