Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
The Night Time Circus Game
by JWH
Citation:   JWH. "The Night Time Circus Game: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp103360)". Apr 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 - 2 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 1:00 1 hit buccal 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
Firstly, I’m a middle class white dude and my experience with this psychedelic “question mark” of a drug happened just over a year ago, and for the most part has been left in the back of my mind for some while collecting dust. Upon regaining an interest in the past few weeks on more natural psychedelics and their spiritual potential and reading others experiences, I felt it would be a good idea to share my personal experience with 25I-NBOMe or as I called it “NBOMe” and how it affected me and the context around the most circusy shit that had happened to me up to that point and for quite a while after.

Up to this point I was definitely in the young adult category and had been smoking pot pretty consistently for a good 5 or 6 months (along with the occasional cigarette and alcoholic over indulgence at a few parties) and truthfully didn’t have that much of a desire to try much else. The only other thing which slightly interested me was the idea of a good time tripping on whatever stuff I stumbled upon
The only other thing which slightly interested me was the idea of a good time tripping on whatever stuff I stumbled upon
(looking back I was pretty much inadequately educated on the whole thing). Anyways, one day, after some friends had been talking about trying it on one of the upcoming nights we all had off I was invited to join in. I had no reason in my mind not to try it and somewhat looked forward to the whole idea of it. Even though if I had to have chosen a substance to have my first trip on I would’ve chosen shrooms or LSD (something better known and well documented), it didn’t really matter to me and I didn’t care; it’s what was there.

Basically the whole thing turned into an 8 person gathering that night. 5 of us tripping (including myself) 2 friends who decided to join in but get drunk instead and 1 of the friends decided to come sober and watch, just for laughs, because for 3 of the 4 of us, it was our first time tripping. Our “genius” plan was to roam the streets of the inner-city suburb we lived in while tripping…. seemed like a solid plan to me at the time.

7:00 PM After meeting up around 7 and smoking maybe 1 or 2 cigarettes (which only a couple of us did and I have no idea if that affected my trip, which I highly doubt) we all found a nice park bench next to the river to sit and take the tabs. I’ll try my best to be accurate with specific timing and all.

8:00PM It was probably/roughly 8pm when we all divided up the tabs and put 1 each in between the upper lip and front two teeth. My friend (the one who had tried it) told us to expect it to kick in around the 40-60 minute mark. In the meantime we were all just chatting, telling jokes and trying not to swallow our saliva too much.

8:40-9:00PM After about what felt like roughly 50 (give or take 10) minutes of sitting there it finally hit us all. One moment we’re not tripping and then all of the sudden at almost the exact same time shit started looking wonky. I remember we were sitting near a well-lit street going up a hill and it looked so goofy it cracked us all up. As well when I looked towards the river (which had many little lights reflecting off of it from the other side) I saw a fast night passenger boat zoom by which I swore looked like a rocket drifting through space bending the stars’ light around it. At this point I was most certainly what you would call “tripping”. It was as if my depth perception made shit more 3-D, like a pop-up book and magnified the clarity of what I saw, I found this very, very cool. This continued while we were walking up the street and I recall (after walking what felt like an hour up the street) we all looked back and noticed how we had only walked a couple metres and less than 5 minutes had passed (which also cracked us up); by far I felt that the initial 20 or so minutes of the trip was definitely the most enjoyable part of the night. However it was a little while before (for me) the circusy mental trip started to occur.

9:00to9:10PM I and two of the others tripping spat our tabs out while the other two kept them in for longer. I continued tripping and once we got up the hill shit changed for me, unlike earlier, no longer was I very conscious of the fact I was tripping and a few things I noticed really did weird shit to mind my mind. Firstly one of the trippers just went home and I didn’t even remember him leaving, secondly one of the trippers was PROPERLY tripping and going on some obsessive rant about personal relationships. The two drunk friends were throwing bottles around and that really messed with my subconscious sense of order, I swore they were animals or beasts because the lighting was such that when they were in the shadows they seemed like sinister savages. The thing which I swear fucked with my head the most was my sober friend who seemed to be silently watching the whole thing go down and occasionally let out a laugh. It seemed to me like he was some weird news reporter or journalist just watching the behaviour of trippers and I felt somewhat like a monkey in a cage experiment kind of thing. Even though that wasn’t the case at all, it didn’t give me a bad trip but it really made me feel awkward. At this point even though I thought I was maintaining my sensibility, I somewhat succumbed to my sheer curiosity and amazement in the visuals. For instance the gravel street which was only dimly lit by the purple-ish street lamp looked to me like a million swarming ants and I even managed to convince myself they were, so I went to take shelter on the grass.

9:30PM to 2:00AM At that point I realised the visuals in combination with rest of the crowd and the fact that I had Atom Heart Mother-esque circus, trumpet noises playing in my head was giving me some crazy ass perception. Somehow I came to remember the fact I was actually tripping and that I should be more careful (having been running around with the others in the streets trying to get into parties and stuff) so from then on I tried my best to enjoy the whatever visuals I had left and continue until the trip sort of ended around the 2:00 AM mark. Really what bugged me most was right towards the end my gut felt like it was being stabbed while I had to shit and there were no toilets around, as well I was cold and I ended up having to sleep (minus the sleep, which I found impossible to get) in a park with the remaining trippers that didn’t go home. I remember thinking “Damn, if only I could empty my bowels and climb into my warm bed” .

It’s funny, I remember thinking both at the time and a bit after the trip that in many ways I was the one that kept my cool and sanity the most, however in the months after the trip (especially after smoking hefty amounts bud, both bush and hydro) I realised that I really was tripping that night, much more so than I remember. I felt like there were many things which I sort of forgot and maybe wanted to forget, my whole time perception during the night was screwed and sometimes when the trip was mentioned later on something which we did was said which I (no joke) completely forgot about. While for me it was by no means a “bad trip” I occasionally get these mental reminders of parts of the night which I may have possibly found frightening or unnerving but I can’t quite remember.

Overall, I really have no idea what to think of this drug
Overall, I really have no idea what to think of this drug
, I really do believe that it triggers an extremely psycho-active part of the mind that if I'm not careful and not thinking straight could lead to a really bad trip, which one of my friends ended up actually having unfortunately. Really the only good that came out of it for me was my instant appreciation of color and its almost tangible, fruitful qualities. But then again I assume that any psychedelics like classic shroomies, LSD or Peyote would do that to me. Next time I’d start off with better known stuff which in fact I look forward to trying in the near future. As well, another reason I don’t overall think too highly of the night was because I’m somewhat annoyed in myself that I was doing it more for laughs than to have an actual experience, which I think in relation to psychedelics is the wrong attitude. The mind’s a beautiful thing, explore it and don’t mess with it just for the sake of doing so. At least that’s how I feel.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 103360
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2020Views: 1,129
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25B-NBOMe (564), AlphaStim100 (704) : First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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