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A Euphoric and Childlike Trip
Hash (edible)
Citation:   Beau K.. "A Euphoric and Childlike Trip: An Experience with Hash (edible) (exp103366)". Jul 17, 2020.

  oral Cannabis - Hash (edible / food)
Bit of a background ~ I am a recovering Meth addict & am currently suffering a form of PTSD that resulted from a rather disturbing trip on LSD back in 08. You may ask how an individual develops such a thing from something like Acid, the answer is simple- our bodies are very different and react differently. Everybody has their own 'trip' and I have been around the mountain and back as far as drugs go.

I do consider myself a psychonaut- I try to delve into things that most drug users are intimidated by and use *most* substances as life enhancing tools nowadays. I always smoked pot, ever since I was 11 years old repeating this ritual for an entire decade. I have one addictive personality too. I smoke cigarettes, at 15 was when I began trying new things. I found out real early I had a ridiculous opiate tolerance for a 5 foot 4 115 pound 15 year old. I began self administering Oxycodone through my nostrils, 30mgs in each nostril my first time and I puked my guts out by the end of the night but I loved it. I would get kids from school to steal medicine from their parents to give to me and they were stupid enough to do it. For about a 6 month period I was taking upwards of 80-130mgs of Hydrocodone & 2-3mgs of Alprazolam daily.

I liked the face on the table kind of high, drooling all over myself. But come 16 comes more trouble. My best friend had began smoking Crystal Meth & was homeless so I allowed him to stay with me for a year. During this year we took enormous amounts of Opiates, LSD, Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms, PCP & Amphetamines.

I never smoked Meth except twice and I never felt it (I probably burned it) so I snorted it around a year, taking 1-5-10 tabs of Acid almost every day with my cocktail of pills. I was a mess but somehow I had more of a snap than my friend who was constantly smoking Meth & PCP.

Now that we have some weird background information for those who are interested or give a shit about who I am then get ready for the real deal because as I write this- I have ingested the hash. I am feeling it swimmingly well!

It has only been an hour since I've ingested the 7 grams of Hash via a *very* potent dark chocolate brownie. I feel connected to everything around me like I usually feel with a nice dose of mushrooms, but things aren't as strange or lucid. I feel more hazy yet sped up and alert... Yet I'm oh so confused to what I am doing. I am having intense synthesia, as I listen to Robin Trowers Bridge of Sighs album I see flashes of stars in circular patterns. Sometimes even doves and blue jays will fly through the circles and let loose their wings to shine gracefully down on my face. I can feel them and I love them as much as someone could love their mother and I feel emotionally attached at this point.

The dove has landed on the top of a door that lies open to the corridor across the room, he cawed twice and nothing was left but an outline of what he was. All I can make of these hallucinations are outlines of what they really are supposed to represent. I know they are there, and I'm looking at them, but they are being difficult.

I have a pretty intense body load, it resembles the feeling of being under the influence of a psychedelic drug.
I have a pretty intense body load, it resembles the feeling of being under the influence of a psychedelic drug.
I feel like I am tripping and I know I would if I was either a novice or had zero tolerance. My vision is sharp and clear, my mind is the only thing hazy and foggy. The confusion is psychedelic as well, I feel like I have so many thoughts and just general *things* going through my head I just cant take it!!!! Its almost like the feeling I get on that perfect day... And I stare out into beautiful shimmering clear waters.. I am at the Apex...

With the eyes closed I can clearly see mask like visuals, with dark green and yellow, red colors. They are making mean faces but they don't scare me, I find them welcoming. I close my eyes some more and in an instant I see more flashes of stars flying past my face. Behind the stars is pure blackness, empty space. But more stars keep flying at me and swirl into themselves in one big climax before I have an intense auditory hallucination of a guitar being strummed in the other room as the faces return and their jaws widen and another face would come out in an infinite loop.

I opened my eyes and realized the music was in my head, but funny thing is I had music on already but it was not was I was listening to... It completely changed.

I feel slow and everything seems to be moving very slowly, not just time but objects and my vision. It seems to be swaying and rising and sinking in different areas all at the same time. (I get this visual effect on most psychedelics after peaking.)

I have no anxiety, my body feels great and my short term memory seems to be impaired as I keep forgetting how to properly end a trip report without being rude to the audience at hand, like I said- I feel very connected and over invested, also - way over my head.

I want to eat more next time!!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103366
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 17, 2020Views: 817
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : Unknown Context (20), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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