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Lifting the Veil of Emotion
Citation:   Helios Sigma. "Lifting the Veil of Emotion: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp103466)". Jun 16, 2017.

1 capsl oral 4-AcO-DMT (pill / tablet)
Setting; My own room at 2 AM on the evening of Wednesday to Thursday. Humidity is average, temperature comfortable, single source of warm light and my computer screen. Music is widely diverse, ranging from Heavy Metal to Drum'n'Bass to Easy Listening.

Set; Had taken XTC the Saturday before this at a D'n'B-Rave, yet had been taking supplements to process the aftereffects quicker. This trip wasn't planned, but I had been looking for an opportunity to do it. Physical status was excellent. No diseases, coughs or other ailments. I do not take any medicines, nor do I have any psychological conditions. Slight pain in my upper body muscles from visiting the gym last Tuesday.

Prior experience with psychedelics; Psilocybine, LSD, Candyflipping all to great effect, though rarely due to either availability or lack of planning. Never had a bad trip, taught myself to steer my mind away from falling into the abyss during a trip, though I am not afraid to explore my darker sides.

Swallowed the pill [reported dose of the pill was 'A single capsule approximately 20 mg']. No immediate effects. Instead of waiting for it to kick in, I boot up a game of Transistor on my PC to lose track of time and to ease my transistion into the trip due to the vibrant colours of the game and mellow soundtrack.

Coming up. Objects are starting to grow larger and smaller in subtle ways. No hard visuals yet, I continue playing the game. Feeling extremely horny, but I suppress it.

T+1; Body is shivering slightly, evident from my handwriting, but it's nothing uncomfortable. Colours are now a bit more vibrant. No heavy open eye visuals for now. 'Tracer'-effect is starting to come up.

No OEVs. All colours have become fairly kaleidoscopic and everywhere my vision isn't focussed, an overlaying hexagonal pattern permeates the view. The music mostly determines the direction of the trip. I can chill out with some slow-paced stoner rock or I can fly through the universe with up-tempo EDM. I feel happy and inquisitive.

Quoting my own writing here; 'Didn't want to keep this one from you. Apparantly the intellectual and curious aspect of your life manifests itself as this very writing, explaining and recording of your trip. Ladies and gentlemen, we have gone meta. :O'

Spent the past two hours tripping fairly hard with a peak around T+3 where one of my strongest memories is finding my spirit animal in the hawk. I normally don't fit in with shamanistic concepts and everything, but I got curious as to where my mind would take me, so I decided to roll with it and it didn't disappoint me. OEVs weren't extreme, but there was a distinct wave-like effect. As if my perception itself was sailing across an ocean of the universe, if that makes any sense to you. I decided to get funky and watched the 'The floor is now lava' episode of Community. I found myself even more attracted to Gillian Jacobs than I thought was possible, didn't mind it.

I find it incredibly easy to explain the root of my emotions. It feels like the veil that covers the blackbox-like behaviour of my transferfunction (sorry if this makes no sense to you, in my mind, this is the best analogy) has been lifted somewhat. I find myself walking through the process of receiving information, passing it through my principles, social ethics and resolutions and outputting a 'decree' that mandates how I act upon the input. I realize most of my anger towards others isn't hatred of them personally or sheer malice, but their actions violating my standards of 'Being a good person'. At the same time, I am aware of the limitations that these ethics put on me as a person and I vow to explore this part of me further. Quite fascinating, really.

Fatigue setting in, probably due to being awake for 27 hours now. OEVs gone for 99%, tracer-effect lingers on the outskirts of my view. I am not capable of sleep yet.

T+7 and more;
Wrapping up. Apart from discomfort in my lower back (a usual complaint of mine during comedowns), nothing ails me. I'm just mostly tired. The 'magical' part of the trip is long gone. I just put up a mellow playlist and fall asleep at around T+7:30.


My muscles hurt, but aside from that, I feel no discomfort anywhere. Mentally, I don't feel completely enlightened, but it does feel like I have experienced myself in a new way that I'm keen to repeat somewhere down the line. I expected less from this drug and thus, I was pleasantly surprised. I'm reluctant to rank it amongst the psychedelics as it's been over 18 months since I last did any, but if I were to place it somewhere, I'd snuggle it between 2c-b and LSD as a perfect halfway-point.

Positive after effects; Introspectively perfect, even when exploring the darker sides of your psyche. Stimulating CEVs and OEVs. Whenever you read a joke, you get the giggles like a madman.

Neutral after effects; Tiring.

Negative after effects; Pain in my muscles afterwards. This drug has a heavy effect on the esophagus' function of preventing your stomachs contents from going the wrong way. While I did not feel nauseous, I did feel uncomfortable when my back wasn't elevated in respects to my stomach. For this reason, I was reluctant to lie on my back too much, but in the end it all worked out.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103466
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 16, 2017Views: 1,678
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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