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Ket Is for Horses
Citation:   Rusty Shackleford. "Ket Is for Horses: An Experience with Ketamine (exp103494)". Erowid.org. Dec 26, 2018. erowid.org/exp/103494

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Ketamine is a weird drug. I wasn't well versed in doing drugs before I did ketamine, but I figured I was mind strong enough to try it out. I had just got back from the gym, and drank a protein shake. My stomach was empty otherwise. I got a gram from someone, and I asked them how it was going to affect me. They told me to just try it out, the feeling is pretty indescribable. I wouldn't say it's indescribable, but it was definitely the most interesting thing I'd ever experienced up to this point. We were all in a friend's room, and all three of us had a gram. The setting was comfortable enough, other than the ever present threat of someone knocking at the door. We had some 90's cartoons on the TV, and I was with friends that I completely trusted. It was probably the ideal situation for me personally to be taking drugs in.

I took my first hit in the right nostril. It felt like getting punched really hard in the face, but without any pain. It was wobbly, I guess you could say. Everything was silly. I took another line to the left nostril. It only intensified the feeling. I felt everything was evening out. A lot of people report changes in size from what I hear. For me, everyone just leveled out to about the same height, but it didn't look weird or distorted. The sounds of the audio from the TV were almost all encompassing. Not overwhelmingly so, it was actually very pleasant to me.

After I was good and rocked, I took two more lines, this time they were a little bit bigger than the two I had taken before. I also took them back to back this time. By this time I was getting the drip in full force. The drip was especially disgusting, but it wasn't so disgusting that it detracted from the experience of the ketamine. I was very rocked at this point. I was very much not in control of my mental faculties. I wasn't bothered by this, the experience was very gradual for me. I was never thrown right into it. One of the friends finally asked me if I wanted to hole. I said sure I'm game. He cut out four rather large lines for me, much larger than the lines I'd done up to that point. The last sober thought I remember was telling all of my friends something to the effect of “I have a pretty high natural tolerance, I don't think this drug is really affecting me.”

After I said that, I very sloppily stumbled onto the bottom bunk next to the wall and laid face down. I was now in the much hyped “K Hole” and what I experienced is honestly indescribable. I can find words to explain it, but the symbolism behind it won't really make sense to someone that didn't experience it. It started out with me looking at the patterns on the wall: large bricks with a smooth coating of paint and little holes and cuts. All the little holes and cuts were moving around, sort of like a bunch of ants crawling around an ant hole. I looked forward and I slowly started morphing into the bed. I became one with it. I turned my head to the TV to see what it was. Nothing in my brain was really registering the way it does subconsciously when I'm sober. Typically when I see something, I sort of subconsciously acknowledge what or who it is. That wasn't the case. I was just kind of existing brainlessly.

My friends had Johnny Bravo on the TV. It was very strange. I didn't think of it as a cartoon or a show or anything at the time. I just knew it was Johnny Bravo. He jumped out of the screen and started lecturing me almost. He asked me why I was taking drugs, telling me if I continued down this path that I wasn't going to go anywhere with me life. I basically kept mentally telling me to shut up, and he showed me various different scenarios of ways my life would turn out. He eventually ended up being dissected by a flame haired evil scientist in gladiator arena and then pretty much dissipated into reality, something that was in no way shocking.

Apparently from my friends' points of view, I was basically just violently shaking on the bed. My friend put his hand on me and told me to just calm down, everything was alright, a moment that translated in the hole to my mother telling me to calm down.
My friend put his hand on me and told me to just calm down, everything was alright, a moment that translated in the hole to my mother telling me to calm down.
I was now given the task of choosing the way my life was going to work from this point. I kept seeing dark red brick buildings with zig zagged fire escapes and brightly lit yellow rooms. I didn't know what it was trying to signify. I kept hearing things like adult problems, such as bills, getting old, things like that. I think the meaning my brain was trying to show me was that I need to never worry about anything, and that settling down is a choice, not an inevitability.

The hold eventually let go of me. I woke up, I was now aware of my surroundings. I knew what things were, I knew who my friends were, and I knew that I had been taking ketamine. I didn't really know that I holed, I felt kind of like I went straight from the four lines I took to waking up on this bed. After a few minutes, I was able to move again. My friends were laughing and asking if I was ok. I felt compressed, like I just woke up from getting beat up, just without the pain. I dragged my body across the bed, putting my hands on the floor and walking myself as far towards the middle of the room as I could with my legs still on the bed. I threw up all over the floor. It looked like the Nickelodeon logo, except it was brown from my protein and looked like it had chunks of potato in it.

I then proceeded to head to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. I guess I was in there for a while, because my friends had already mopped the whole floor. I was still extremely rocked at this point, so when I walked back out to see all my friends, I was walking in my socks on the freshly mopped floor. I didn't know they had mopped it, and being rocked, it felt like I was wading in water up to my chest. My friends told me that I was very jittery, and that I was somewhat growling/moaning, and that they tried to calm me down. They asked me how it was. I tried to explain it to them, but it was extremely difficult, because I didn't understand it at the time, and I was still rocked, so I wasn't in the best mental condition. They told me the reason I probably threw up was from the protein and the fact that my stomach was empty otherwise. It sounded good enough to me.

There's a lot of that experience I don't really remember. I remember the song “Ket is for Horses” being played at some point, but I don't remember when. I just remember finding it extremely odd. Afterward we all finished whatever we had left over, and I got pretty rocked. No other drug I've done, personally, compares to it. It's just so different. I definitely wouldn't hole my first time in retrospect. I wouldn't say I was ready for it. There were a lot of things the hole showed me that I truly was not ready to know. I don't regret it though. A bit of useful information. I hope anyone that reads this pulls anything they can from it. Your mind is powerful, and under the right circumstances it can teach you things beyond value; with or without drugs. Be safe, everyone.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 103494
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2018Views: 1,466
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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