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One of the Most Profound
Citation:   Sumair Mir. "One of the Most Profound: An Experience with AMT (exp103554)". Dec 20, 2020.

130 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
One of the Most Profound Experiences

I have used aMT on many occasions before and I always enjoyed the overall experience, not much side effects to say, Little stomach discomfort, but nothing to worry about. Also, I've had some amazing experience on LSD, Mescaline- DMT has been a demonic drug for me still loved it and takes it every 3-4 months.

With no Psychedelic Compound taken in for last 3-4 months, and a fair bit of shit emotionally and religiously I went through...I was feeling terrible like my mind was caged, little depression every now and then. So with no other compound on hand the urge was so overwhelming I couldn't bother waiting for my LSD hits to arrive. I had some aMT with me and decided to dose heavily to test my limit with this compound.

I bombed aMT at about 00:00 hours, coming up was nice with little body load, This drug reacts differently to every individual so the effects may vary. After some 3 hours I decided to load my bong with good Afghan Hash ripped 3 bowls and this is where the fun started. Put on my headphone listening to Shpongle's Infeable Mysteries (this album is Special to me because of the memories I had with, I've melted into a Milkdrop some 5 years ago while taking my first LSD trip).

The visuals kicked in at about 3:30am with damp spots on my wall were melting and forming shapes, carpet on the floor was breathing and everything around me was glittering. Then I decided to close my eyes and lay down get lost in the musical bliss. After some time I decided to shift myself to the couch and this is where the trip got intense, The change of music and setting always plays a crucial role in your overall experience, but I never wanted to drift away I wanted an intense trip. So I put on some Forest Psy and after 15-20 minutes I was immersed in OEVs and CEVs of morphing images of my girlfriend. At first I was enjoying this with pumping bass but, after sometimes it got intense with blood pumping through my veins and heart was throbbing, at times it was overwhelming and overly intense even for someone who has tripped 15-20 times on LSD and have experience with DMT and Mescaline.

After initial waves of euphoria psychedelic nature of the compound overpowers the euphoric ride and me as well. It precisely points out the mistakes I've made in last 4-5 months which has led to the break up with my girlfriend and other problems I've been in. It made me confront the problems and find the cause of all the shit I've been through. Thoughts of why my friendship with people I used to get along has become strained? Thoughts of being a useless member of the family. Although I was immersed in the experience and deep thoughts, it was fairly under control and I was ready for this kind of experience and TBH I was enjoying the insights. I could sense the electric bolt running through the back of my head opening up the caged mind. At this point I decided to take a walk which resulted in a walk to the bathroom for no reason and I lost conciseness and melted into a bucket full of water. Thou it was for milliseconds and I regain control pretty quickly and hurried back to my room. At times when I was deep into the trip I went through various phases like getting admitted to the Emergency at a local hospital. Sometimes the intensity was too much and I literally wanted to cry, but I didn't and was determine to ride the storm.

Overall the experience was intense and this could be too much, but I was ready for it I wanted to have a deep experience with nothing but aMT on my hand. There was an acid like mind fuck with intense deep thoughts, and some crazy CEVs with eye following me everywhere and crazy faces with neon lights, even a Goat head fucked around for a bit. At times I was left in awe by the power of this compound and while tripping I would stand up and admire the experience. This experience has definitely opened me up in a good way, I've had deeper trips on LSD but this was on par with the most intense trip I've taken. This Compound can be a strong psyche on higher doses given the state of mind and setting.

Oum Sri Gam Ganpataye!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103554
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Dec 20, 2020Views: 790
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AMT (7) : General (1), Alone (16)

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