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Sights, Sounds, Touch & Smell Seem Magnified
Citation:   Dr-Oz. "Sights, Sounds, Touch & Smell Seem Magnified: An Experience with MDMA (exp103566)". Aug 19, 2019.

145 - 155 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
Anonymous MDMA (molly) experience report written for my own reference for comparing suppliers. And shared because ' why Not'.

This is a tan crystal that has been finely powdered to the consistency of cornflour (looks like fine raw sugar). It has a slight Licorice / root beer smell.

Me - 30ish size XXXL male, average fitness, occasional mdma / xtc user about twice a year on and off over the last 20 years. I took this dose with no other drugs in my system about one hour after waking and after a lite breakfast and strong coffee.
I took this dose with no other drugs in my system about one hour after waking and after a lite breakfast and strong coffee.

Method - 160mg weighed up in mg scales dropped in glass of ginger beer soft drink and drunk in a single skull. Best guess at dose allowing for residue left on scales and in glass 150mg +/- 5mg.

8:40 am: Dosed
9:00: Just coming on NOW slight head rush, a little numb, tingling toes
9:10: Feeling good starting to head to peak
9:40: seems to be at the peak now feeling ??? Numb and sensitive to touch at the same time ( does this make sense?). Talkative, energetic, sociable, horny, - sights, sounds, touch, and smell seem magnified >100x. Best MDMA experience ever. I decided to just enjoy myself at this point and finish my report the next day.

Note: lasted almost exactly 6 hours

CONCLUSION next morning about 24 hours after dosing I have decided to leave my original report unedited except for spelling
This is very high quality MDMA.

Feelings (some of this is hard to put into words): No sign of my usual anxiety in social settings at all.

Mentally alert, or so I thought at the time, though at one stage I gave up changing a phone sim after countless failed attempts, a little dreamy at times seem to get into music and drift off some place nice in my mind.

Physical: The numb and sensitive thing I tried to explain before, tingling in extremities mainly at the peak, no appetite, feel warm even though I know it was a cold night.

Social: Much time spent talking on phone and waiting for my best mate to return from work to talk. I could of easily gone out to a club and confidently tried to pick up girls unfortunately the opportunity wasn't there.

Sexual: Not much to report from a single man at home (porn's good also).

Negative effects: Not much to report, a little nausea at peak that went away instantly after a glass of water. Didn't sleep at all that night though that was only negative because I was bored and lonely.

No physical signs that I used at all yesterday, not tired at all even though I haven't slept. Happily listening to music and typing now. My mood is better than normal possibly more energetic and thoughtful than my usual morning mood.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 103566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Aug 19, 2019Views: 623
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MDMA (3) : Alone (16), General (1)

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