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Trial Run 2
Citation:   CosmonautStone. "Trial Run 2: An Experience with 25P-NBOMe (exp103587)". Oct 20, 2016.

3.2 mg insufflated 25P-NBOMe (liquid)
I am a cosmonaut of the fifth degree. I have experience with 2c-b, 2c-p, dmt, lsd, mdma, methylone, 25b, 25c, 25d, 25e, 25i, 25n, 25p, 5-meo-dmt. I also smoke a fair amount of medical cannabis.

I have came in possession of 30 mg 2C-P-NBOMe. I mixed this with18ml of distilled deionized water and then proceeded to place it in a nasal spray, at the time I also made up a mixture of 25n.

A few days go by, and I get a call from my friend M and he wants to try out the 25n. So I agree. We go to friend's house and ended up dosing. He took 4.4mg of 25n I took 3.2 of 25p. All I know for a fact after I sprayed the 3.2mg of 25p in my nose I might have questioned, oh shit what did I do am I going to die now? I had a queasy feeling for about 40 mins once I was fully up tho it went away. Altho I did not stand for most of this trip. I had very intense hallucinations ranging from the floor moving and swirling and then the world changing colors as I tried to smoke some marijuana. A lot of things were going on, textures and patterns were swirling around.

The trails were nice as well, they had a nice 2 second delay. For a while I was wondering what I had just done to myself. It hit so fast I was not sure what was really happening. I questioned if I did my math wrong when filling the bottle. I dismissed this rather quickly as I checked it over and over before I did anything.

Overall 25p was a nice substance.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 20, 2016Views: 2,025
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25P-NBOMe (768) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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