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Potency Slipknot
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   stupifly. "Potency Slipknot: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp10361)". Sep 27, 2004.

  oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Although it's been a while I have done them an awful lot without the use of extraction process. First time I had maybe 7 packets worth and simply chewed 'em up. Two competing sensations welled up in my sensorium: pure joy and absolute nausea. Laying in bed doing nothing was the best antidote as I waited for the nausea to pass. The nausea seemed to counteract whatever effects I was feeling although I could feel the anxiety and frenzy of something close to acid clouding my blood. Like after I eat a lot of fish, there's that fatty feeling that for me is akin to the fixtures of our body electrified by this stuff.

It became unbearable to contain the seeds any longer, the anxious rage of my full stomach bathing in a soup of strange alkaloids and sharp unfriendly shells wasn't going to work. I went to the potty and let it go. What relief, what euphoria. My smile reached psychotic mania, the roommate was pleased. So I decided to check out my dorm complex and had excessive fun talking with someone I ran into. All in all though it was a quiet night. I remeber the acid melt effect it had on similar colors, the psychedelic cascade of change, though the effects tended to be subtle. I went on to do the seeds many more times, each trip exceeding the last. Meanwhile, when I started taking the seeds I would grind them up in a coffee grinder and simply gag the powder down, maybe with water. Except I'd hardly feel the LSA. Soon after doing them many times whew! I'd have raging trips, with psychedelic candy lands in my head, but the nausea became worse and worse and as the trips became better the stuff became harder to take. I love the seeds but it looks like they're gonna do me in everytime now as opposed to when I could gag them down and not even get nautious.

I remember prolly the best trip I had on the stuff. Tripping on it with my little brother. It took two hours to overcome the nausea but it passed through my tummy. Acid energy and trails, psychedelic effects. Happiness. Except it's not harsh like sid, it feels natural and good. My brother went to sleep early, he can sleep on it. I was left alone to my devices watching a film. I noticed that the plane of the picture screen seemed to extend out into my room. I noticed the forms depicted to be layered on like leaves across this plane that extended into the room. Any ambiguous form appeared as a face or figure of some sort at all different scales all layered on top of each other. And everything had this lurid two-point perspective type look to it. Later I was dancing in my room and I noticed a zipper type pattern flowing with my dancing. As I continued to become entranced I noticed that this zipper was actually rows of peoples faces, the teeth of the zipper, their eyes. I continued dancing and these shining faces became smiling youths meditating around me with countenances of love and peace. It was like all these beautiful peers were sitting around my fire, that was I, dancing.

I attempted the seeds a few more times and I ended up getting sick and joyfully eliminated all my body could from every end. The maniac happiness was nice but when I puke on the seeds I'm left with a tired drunk feeling and this makes me sleepy. The psychedelic effects were cool too but I was tired. So now I wait for the seeds to come back into season so I can grind them with my coffee grinder and wrestle with them some more.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10361
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2004Views: 14,483
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Morning Glory (38) : Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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