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Pleasantly Surprised
Citation:   WeedSmokington. "Pleasantly Surprised: An Experience with bk-2C-B (exp103651)". May 17, 2018.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral bk-2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 7:00 1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 9:00 400 mg oral Pharms - Ibuprofen (pill / tablet)
  T+ 9:00 20 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
Me and my girlfriend we'll call Destiny ordered 250 mg of BK-2C-B online from the clearnet and were pleasantly surprised to find out that they had given us 330 mg instead. I weighed out a 150 mg dose for myself and a 120 mg dose for her (as she's only about 110 lbs), and placed them into capsules. I took the extra 60 or so mg and mixed it with water to confirm that it would turn purple. It turned purple so we knew we had BK-2C-B.

There were not that many reports online about this yet, many users stating it was bunk or not worth the time, but I have to say that this chemical worked very well. It must be taken orally in a gel capsule, or wrapped in a sealed parachute or the drug will not work and will break down in water.

Anyways, on to the trip report. I had smoked a small spliff a few hours before I took the capsule, and was slightly high when I took it at 3:00 pm. We took it on an empty stomach as well. About an hour in I started to feel tingles that would move throughout my head and body, and it felt like warm spots were taking hold in my head. It was very pleasant and felt like the come up to MDMA. Destiny and I then decided to go to Chipotle since we had not eaten, thinking that we would need food. Once I got to Chipotle around 2 hours in, I started to feel less sober and a light roll feeling started to emerge. I began to feel empathetic towards the employees and started thinking about all of the strangers around me and their lives.

I drank some lemon water and got a couple chicken tacos and we sat down outside. Eating the tacos was extremely difficult, not in the sense that the food tasted bad like it might on LSD, but that the food tasted too good and was very intense. Each bite left a lingering strong taste for minutes at a time, and I had to prepare myself to eat it. All of the music they played at Chipotle (I promise I'm not a Chipotle rep, I usually don't care for it that much) sounded amazing, and the vibes were perfect. I think we sat in the restaurant for about an hour and I only got through one taco, as we got too distracted in conversation that seemed to easily flow from topic to topic. The hour really only felt like 20 minutes, this drug seems to speed up time very efficiently. Everything sounded important, and funny things were even funnier. Often I would just break into uncontrollable smiling or laughing.

We left having hardly eaten and went back to Destiny's dorm room to listen to music. There were other people from my floor in the room getting ready to go to a birthday party, and talking to them was a great time, even though they usually tend to annoy me. They even played country music which I generally can't stand, and I was able to open up and enjoy it. At this point I started to get visuals (about 3 ˝ hours in), where textures would flow, and peoples faces had a shiny hue to them.
I started to get visuals (about 3 ˝ hours in), where textures would flow, and peoples faces had a shiny hue to them.
I saw fractal patterns in almost everything, and it seemed extra bright in the room, even though it was a gloomy day. Once everyone left I started to listen to the album “The Suburbs” by Arcade Fire, and was talking to Destiny about our lives for a while. I started to get really sentimental about our relationship, and broke out in tears. I was thinking of the fact that we'd be apart from each other for a long while over the summer, and I couldn't keep myself together. Everything she said made me realized how much I love and appreciate her, and my favorite album was playing, so I was just overwhelmed with emotions.

They were both tears of joy and tears of sadness. I had never felt so good, and crying just enhanced the euphoria even more. Destiny managed to keep herself together because she said I was bumming her out, so I tried to calm down and we went outside for a cigarette. This is about 5 hours in at this point, and the cigarette tasted really great, even though it was shitty rolling tobacco. So we went back and were listening to more music and talking for a while and we decided to hang out with my friend Nick, who had taken Xanax earlier in the day.

Nick arrives and he's super barred out, and it was just about the funniest thing I've ever seen. We talked with barred out Nick for a while and he said he was going to hang out with some people at a nearby university. We knew we had to come along with him since he was so fucked up he probably couldn't make it alone, and we were looking for adventure, not trying to sit in the room much longer. We ended up taking 1 mg of Xanax each at the 7 hour mark, which totally destroyed the clear head that the BK2CB headspace was, but reduced some of the edge that it had. It did not reduce the intensity of the visuals. I smoked a spliff with Nick before we got onto a bus, and it really ramped up our visuals. Nick being so fucked up (he actually blacked out on a bar, but we didn't know he was blacked at the time) forgot he had smoked the spliff and was wondering why he was so high. It was comedy gold, but we were there to watch out for him so no harm was done. Walking around the city was awesome, and all of the interesting people around intrigued me. We met up with Nick's friends at a pizza joint and attempted to eat, which was easier now with the xanax and weed, but the pizza tasted so good it took about half an hour to eat a slice.

We ended up smoking two more spliffs with a group of five people in a park, and at about 11:00, the visuals started to pick up even more. Everything looked digital, and the patterns in the ground appeared as a pink hologram layering over it. We eventually made our way to a dorm at the other university, and at 12:00, still tripping sufficiently, Destiny and I both got horrible headaches. It was almost unbearable, but we had prepared with ibuprofen and took 400 mg of it. I had also taken 20 mg of codeine to kill the headache since I had some from a cough earlier in the week. It took a while to kick in but it mostly eliminated the headache. It wasn't from dehydration either because we were drinking a lot of water all day. We got a ride back in a Lyft car, since we were all too out of it to figure out the bus at 12:30, and it was a very pleasant ride and the conversations with the driver were very interesting it seemed.

Destiny and I made sure our barred out friend was ok to get up for his flight the next day, and sent him on his way after setting several alarms on his phone for him. We listened to some albums while her roommate was in the room, and she left at about 2:00. Once we were alone, at about 3:00, we put on “Neon Bible” by Arcade Fire and had sex for about an hour. It was one of the best times I had had sex, if not the best, as the closed eye visuals and tactile enhancement were amazing and quite intense. Everything flowed and the rolling like body “load” was amazing. The headache was gone at this point too. The closed eye visuals were some of the most beautiful I had ever seen, and my girlfriend looked absolutely stunning, even though we both looked pretty strung out.

We ended up just smoking a bowl and laying in bed after that until about 7:00 AM listening to every other Arcade Fire album, some rap, and Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall, and Wish You Were Here. There were a few other albums but I can't remember too well because of the xanax. The headache had come back though at about 6:00 AM, so we took more ibuprofen which helped. But it was one of the best trips I've ever had. Just laying in bed, talking about everything and anything, soaking in the vivid closed eye visuals, and cuddling with my girlfriend was all I ever wanted to do.

We ended up getting breakfast at 8:00 at the school dining hall, and finally felt sober enough at about 8:30. I felt extremely satisfied with how the day went. I have not tried 2CB but I have tried a candyflip, and can say that this is much better and more easy going. No weird thoughts or overwhelming confusion, but just pure bliss and good feelings. We ended up tripping for about 16 hours, but I'm sure the weed just prolonged it, as the duration is supposed to be 12 hours. But I will note that I could not sleep until 18 hours in.
I could not sleep until 18 hours in.
But staying up felt so easy, and it was not uncomfortable.

I took xanax only 7 hours in which just kind of added a more loopy, drugged up feel to this chemical. I may have been able to sleep then but I don't think it would have been that easy with all the closed eye visuals.

Overall awesome body high, greatly amplified emotions, very unique visuals, and very easy going and manageable, save for when I broke out crying and couldn't stop for about an hour.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103651
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 17, 2018Views: 1,375
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bk-2C-B (618) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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