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Waxed Fruit
Citation:   ParSan. "Waxed Fruit: An Experience with LSD (exp103678)". Mar 25, 2020.

2 hits oral LSD
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
Mick offers to get us high, smoke a bowl. We decline, letting him know that we've dropped some acid and are just starting to peak. So we hang out and shoot the shit, smoke some cigarettes while passing the time.

There's a bowl of fruit on Mick's kitchen table. We're all chatting away as I pick up a golden delicious apple out of the basket. I'm holding an apple, leaning against one of the kitchen counters, just hanging out.

I'm handling the apple now, it feels good in my hand. It's solid, firm. It's got little black pinprick spots all about its skin, as apples do.

I'm looking at it really good now. The apples skin is getting waxy. The black pinpricks change, get longer, like fine hairs or whiskers even. Neato, I've got this hairy, wax apple in my hand.

Wax apple? Is this a wax apple? The fruit in the basket is wax? We don't keep fruit, in a basket, on the table at my house. Of course we keep the bananas out, but anything that'll keep in the fridge is kept in the fridge. I reckon then that this must be a wax apple. It's a shame that this pretty piece of fruit is wax. Because though it's hairy, I want to eat it.

My mind is racing, I'm slap in the middle of my peak, the bestest part of a trip. I go to ask as to the legitimacy of the apple, wax or real. My tongue is thick. I have a mouthful of pennies taste happening and saliva nigh dripping down my chin. I dribble out some question that's half understood as, 'is this apple real?'

Mick assures me that it's real. I'm sure he misunderstands my question. Of course it's real, I'm holding it. But I'm wondering if it might be wax.

You see, If I bite into this apple and it's wax, then I'm going to look like an idiot. Any idiot would know not to bite into wax fruit. But if I don't bite into it, thinking that it's wax, then I'm going to look like an idiot for being 'afraid' of an apple.

My mind goes into a continuous loop of 'wax on, wax off'. I have to know, but I can't figure it out. I try to rephrase my question to get an answer as to the apple's edibility.
I try to rephrase my question to get an answer as to the apple's edibility.

Whatever question I posited must have come out as complete and utter gibberish. Both of my buddies were like, 'what?' Tongue so thick, slobbering drooly mouth not making cogent syllables. Can't speak clearly enough to communicate my misgivings about this damnable plastic piece of fruit!

Even I'm not sure what I said. I try again, spouting off some more. Mick wants to know if I'm ok, asks if I'm tripping too hard, perhaps having a 'bad' trip.

Brain kicks into overdrive. Is this a fake apple? It's still hairy too. Through this whole episode, I've been staring at this apple. The hairs have been weaving and flowing as if they were kelp moving with an ocean's current. They're growing and receding too. They're out and in, to'ing and fro'ing. Moving and living on this waxy surface.

If this is a real apple and I'm convinced that it's wax, then my friends'll think that I'm a fool. If it's fake and I try to consume it, then my friends'll think that I'm a fool. This is flashing in my brain, taking up all of my brain's abilities. This thought loop has even drowned out my ability to speak, communicate. Everything that I'm trying to say is coming out as caveman gibberish, mouth is full of saliva and I feel like I'm drooling. I feel that I am the picture of a drooling idiot.

There's only one thing to be done. It has to be done, the decision is made. Caution is thrown to the wind.

I bite the apple.

My mouth is flooded with the sweetest juices that any golden delicious apple has ever produced. I must say that was, and still is, the tastiest apple that I have ever eaten.

With that one bite, my dilemma resolved, I come back down to earth. Brain activity returns to normal, I can speak again. Relief!

Those few minutes were the closest that I've ever come to a 'bad' trip. I was locked inside my brain for a spell, it had completely taken over. The uncertainty and fear were all consuming entities, nothing else existed. I couldn't communicate. I couldn't act. The brain locked me down with doubts about an apple's reality and the resulting impact of my peers' perception of me. I was afraid of doing something stupid and ended up looking nigh retarded anyway. I have an excuse though, I was tripping balls!

Exp Year: 1990ExpID: 103678
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 25, 2020Views: 672
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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